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Sharrowvale Rd past and present, local characters, bygone shops, reminiscences


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My dad and his family (brothers, parents, grandma, aunts and uncle) all lived in a house on Sharrowvale Road. My dad lived there from the early 1940's until the early 1950's.


One of my dad's mates lived in the house in General Cemetery and he can remember they had a TV cos he went round to watch the Quatermass Experiment. When they came out to go home through the cemetery, he said it was dark and they scared themselves silly!


There was also a gas lamp outside their home and he joined in with the older lads jumping off the raised front gardens, grabbing holding of the ladder rests on the gas lamp, swinging, then dropping down. My dad jumped, missed, landed in the road infront of a car and wound up with a fractured wrist. He was taken to hospital once the family had clubbed together to afford a taxi, but the fracture wasn't discovered until many years of pain later, when they removed the section of bone.


My dad's younger brother was born in the nursing home (my dad believes it was) at Sharrow Head. He remembers one side of the building was a GP's surgery, and the other was the nursing home. When his brother was born (my dad and his twin brother were about 5 years) he remembers being dragged along to wave at his new brother through the window, and just wanting to get back to playing. :hihi:

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