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Back to Back Housing

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Can anyone tell me why there are bo back to back houses in Sheffield unlike Leeds where most of the inner city housing stock is still back to back? In Orwell's Road to Wigan Pier he mentioned there were thousands in Sheffield.

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There were loads in the 50/60, but at the time the council were very progressive and undertook a programme of slum clearance.


This involved the building of Hyde Park Flats, Kelvin etc.


The Hyde Park Flats won many awards when they were first built and is now listed.

Kelvin Flats - sadly no longer with us, were a giant leap forward in terms of housing, I remember going to visit someone when I was a kid and thinking this is great. In its latter years it was full of undesirables.

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Pitsmoor was also full of back to back housing and most of it was demolished in the 60s to make way for new maisonnetes and flats.

I watched them demolish the Verdon street area and build the flats that still stand in 1967.

The bottom of Rock St were the last to go around 1969.

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Are there any back-to-back houses left in Sheffield?

Think there was one on Attercliffe Rd near that Door Warehouse

up to a few years ago.Also someone said there some on that street at the back of Pinders/Stokes Tiles on Moore St?

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sheffield should be very proud of how progressive its council has been in its housing policy over the years...obviously when it started to get rid of its back to backs it meant business and got rid of (almost) everyone one something it now seems to be well on the way to doing with the disaster of 60s planning that were council tower blocks.

Unlike Leeds where the vast majority of all the housing is either STILL back to backs or tower blocks hardly any of which seem to have been demolished.

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The high rise flats were a massive improvement to the back to back houses we lived in.

For the first time we had an inside loo, a proper bath,spacious rooms and clean living with great neighbours.

High rise flats were terrific in the 60s and the higher you lived the better.

They lost there appeal in the 80s when the original tenants either died off or moved and the council filled them with undisirables.

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  • 5 months later...

There were also back to back houses down near the moor. You can find some pictures of these on the picturesheffield.com site.

My mother lived in back to back housing on South Street which is now the Moor. They were part of the slum clearance when they were given a house on the Parson Cross estate.

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dont forget when you talk about back to back there was 2 types of back to back houses in the slums of sheffield ,there was the posh back to back with a kitchen or 2 rooms down stairs or there was the straight up back to back with just one room downstairs which was the kitchen/front room/and bath room on fridays for a bath.I was born in the house we lived in on moor street which was the straight up back to back with one bedroom and a attic and you could use the attic if it had no leaks in the roof .

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