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Singles nights and singles clubs?


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Hi Tim,


I have launched a Sheffield based social network with plans for regular meetups at bar nights, restaurants, theatre and cinema trips, weekends away, holidays etc. Although this is not exclusively a singles club, most members are single (but not necesarily "looking"). The idea is to get out regularly, make friends, enjoy different events and just maybe you'll meet someone special.


Take a look at my website http://www.SpurIntoAction.co.uk and see if you fancy joining us. Membership will be £49 p.a. but is currently free during this initial launch period.


The first "Friday Night Mixer" is tonight (14 Jan). Give me a call if you'd like to join us. (Phone No on the website)





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My only direct experience of a singles night was at Sheffield United football ground where they had a singles night on a Friday. Personally I wasn't impressed as none of the women there looked to be physically appealing to me. I don't know if this is a problem with singles nights/bars in that they tend to attract people who are 'overlooked' elsewhere for whatever reason.


I am not quite sure what constitutes a singles bar anyway. How is it different from a 'normal' bar where people go to meet girls? I would be interested in any replies to this.

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Originally posted by slimsid2000

My only direct experience of a singles night was at Sheffield United football ground where they had a singles night on a Friday. Personally I wasn't impressed as none of the women there looked to be physically appealing to me. I don't know if this is a problem with singles nights/bars in that they tend to attract people who are 'overlooked' elsewhere for whatever reason.


I am not quite sure what constitutes a singles bar anyway. How is it different from a 'normal' bar where people go to meet girls? I would be interested in any replies to this.

my god dont say physically appealing on here - some girls will jump down ur throat for going for looks 1st and not PERSONALITY:D i mention no names - i know nothing!:hihi:

i think singles bars are for people who are sick of normal bars and want to make it obvious what they there for? maybe. at least you would know the other persons intentions

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Isn't physical attraction between the sexes a rather ingrained part of human nature going back thousands of years? It pre-dates Femenism (or any political docterine for that matter) by some considerable time. Not that I am only interested in looks. Of course personality is important too.


On the more general point, do people feel that singles bars/nights tend to attract those who for whatever reason (could be looks or whatever) have been overlooked elsewhere?

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Some advice from http://www.outsiders.org.uk/practical/chapter_06.html (Are you a professional single)


Many single people spend all their time, money and energy looking for Mr or Miss Right. The image they project of themselves is someone lacking a central identity. While you are focusing your attention on finding a partner, you won't appear interesting to other people.


Seek your 'other half' through shared interests - you'll have something in common to talk about right away. You'll hardly notice the embarrassment of the first date because you'll be so involved. It's much, much easier to get cosy during the rumba or a game of Bridge than on a tense blind date in a pub each with a red carnation in your lapels.


... and this from http://www.beliefnet.com/story/135/story_13590_1.html


Why is it that people seem to have such a hard time dating? You always hear complaints that there aren't any good people out there.

Some people sit around waiting for the right person to come along, while others are more actively in search of a potential partner. I believe that you can find a mate or a partner not only by searching, but by developing your own life, by becoming an interesting person. If you’re making your life interesting, I think you’ll have a better chance that people will look at you and say, "I’d like to spend some time over there."



The difference between wanting and needing often comes up when we try too hard. We all need to put in effort to get what we want, but trying too hard makes us appear needy. We try too hard, Holcomb says, because we're unwilling "to do the work necessary to 'fill our own cup' and operate under the illusion (false belief) that if we just find the right partner we will be okay with ourselves.


Finding a partner won't help you to find yourself. Take time to discover what motivates and excites you, and you'll be in a better position to attract other exciting and enthusiatic people and maybe even your ideal partner.

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