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No food mid-afternoon in city centre - why?


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Just been meeting an associate for a business-related interview this afternoon not far from the station.

We went from the Showroom (where an excellent live act was playing), as it was too noisy, over to the Howard, to find it shut! This was probably due to the football today. So we went over to the Rutland, which was much quieter, but could only get drinks and peanuts there as the kitchen was "still out of commission". After the business was concluded, we returned to the Showroom, only to find that they 'don't do food after 4pm' on a sunday (They do any other day of the week apparently). The bar staff suggested that i 'go over to the sandwich shop, etc. at the rail station' which by then would be well crowded with homegoing football fans. No thanks! Come on, can't more venues do food until AT LEAST 6pm, or still better, 9pm? (If I had time, I could have trekked down to Dempseys, who do great food until MIDNIGHT EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK). As it was, the staff at Showroom were apologetic that they couldn't even do a simple cheese sandwich, as they were no authorised to use the kitchen which 'had staff cleaning it' in there.

Surely, it would not be too much to ask for more bars to have some sandwiches in a cold-cabinet for customers, if not hot food until late, as was the case in ABSOLUTELY EVERY bar I visited when I went to New York a few years ago!

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I would venture it's partly because not enough Sheffield people go and eat out on a Sunday afternoon to make it worthwhile, most pubs do Sunday lunch until about 3pm then stop doing food, which is a bit rubbish really.


However food is available all day in the Wetherspoons pubs, and at the Devonshire Cat too. There are probably others too if I gave it more thought.


There are various sandwich shops and fast food joints also open for snacks.


As for not going to the outlets in the station because of football supporters, that's more an issue about how football supporters behave - or are perceived to behave?


It also doesn't help the part of town where the bus and rail stations are located is the arse end of town....

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Swim Inn

Benjamin Huntsman



Old Monk




Roebuck Tavern

Dev Cat



Bankers Draft

All Bar One

The Museum

The Fountain




All serve food all day and thats just off the top of my head without looking on the net

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  • 2 weeks later...
sounds like you tried 2 places to me- hardly a complete view of the food establishments in sheffield.


I did actually try 3 or 4 places around the Cultural Industries Quarter, to be exact, but it is a bit of a walk for myself and my colleague (who had to get a train back early that evening) up to other decent places around West St. to find those places which will still do food. Also, from previous experience, many of the places on West St. finish doing food far too early!

One other place which does surprisingly good food until past midnight 7 days a week is DEMPSEYS, but that too is a bit of a walk from the area near the Station...


Anyway, thanks ever so much for all the suggestions, I'll take note, for when I next want to eat out at those times/days!

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Would it not have been easier to have posted a thread entitled "I like the food in Dempseys" rather than the pointless ramblings that you've written around this post.


The train station itself has several places where you can get food, and as has been pointed out, many bars also serve food all day.

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Sorry, Tony, in this case the trek to Dempseys (Or Jumbo Chinese, near Fitzalan) was not really an option, as I was with someone who was conducting an interview of me for a magazine, and she had various baggage such as a laptop, as did I, and was having to get back in time to the Station for a train. Also, the food places in the station would be TOTALLY OUT OF THE QUESTION on that day, as the interview was conducted over meal/drinks, and a quiet pub/bar was essential!

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We were in town this last Sunday, meeting friends at The Rutland. We already knew they no longer do food, so we set off early hoping to get a sandwich or burger at The Howard, only to find that they weren't doing food on a Sunday, although they did last month. We went across to The Showroom, it was packed as they had live music on, no problem, as we were going to sit outside anyway, we were told they only did Sunday lunches at £12 each, a little more than we wanted to pay, as we still had to meet our friends and possibly be going for a meal elsewhere. We ended up in the railway station foyer at a sandwich stall.


I always find it difficult to find anywhere to have lunch, in Shefffield any day of the week, everywhere is either packed or not selling what I fancy.

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