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Anyone Want to stop smoking?

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HI, does anyone want to stop smoking. i have just stopped by using Sheffield clinical hypnosis, at woodseats. I've never craved for a cig, and i got no side effects. It was one of the easiest things i have ever done! if anyone wants to ask me any questions if it's something your thinking about feel free :)

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HI, does anyone want to stop smoking. i have just stopped by using Sheffield clinical hypnosis, at woodseats. I've never craved for a cig, and i got no side effects. It was one of the easiest things i have ever done! if anyone wants to ask me any questions if it's something your thinking about feel free :)


i really need to quit, i smoke 30 perday and im 26, ive got a bad chest in the mornings, get chest pains, cough lots and get bad headaches, how much does this cost and how many seesions does it take

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Yes, been thinking for a while now about quiting but then the little voice in the back of my head tells me I'm not a quitter :hihi:


But seriously I have been thinking about it, just a couple of questions..


1: how much does the proceedure cost?

2: how does it work?

3: is it gauenteed?

4: do they really hypnotise you, its never been done to me before and really apreheinsive about it as dont like not feeling in control.


5: what is the aftercare like i.e in case i go into relapse (its a drug after all)

6: other than patches and lolipops is there any other methods. I tried will power but the voices (i wasnt joking above (your just jealus coz they only talk to me :P))..

7: will they do this treatment to anyone or do you have to have good health in the first place (for a smoker im in ok'ish shape)


been mainly thinking about it as I'm 26 on friday :( (not getting any younger), and my eldest is 5 this year my youngest is 1 on tuesday and i want to be around when they are growing up, I want to see them get married and have kids and all the other stuff in between (both girls aswell so my surname pretty much dies with me so want to make the most of it)..

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