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Anyone Want to stop smoking?

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Sounds interesting, how many did you smoke per day and how long had you been a smoker ?




i started smoking at school beacuse my friends were doing it and i never stopped. i smoked around 20 a day. dosnt sound much compaired to some but if i went out i smoked more and more.got to where i was only doing it because i wanted something to do


i'm glad that others have agreed with me about been there too. i backs up what i was saying and proves i'm not promoting a buisness as someone commented on eariler

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  • 2 years later...

I smoked from being 16 to 43, 20+ a day. Tried various nicotine replacement things like patches and gum. Nothing worked. Went on a work related course and one of the guys who had always joined us as cig break turned round on the last day and said he was now a none smoker. I kept in touch with him and months later he still had not touched another. He had read the book by Allen Carr, I bought it, read it - nothing gelled, read a second time and got as far as chapter 6 as I recall. I binned my cigs, ashtray and have never had once since, nor did I have a craving to eat or kill someone for a drag (true smokers know the feeling!). He changes your whole outlook on smoking.


And this cost me just £4.50, so get the book and treat yourself with the money you will save both by not smoking or wasting it on a Clinical Hypnotherapist.



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I'm not here to argue which is the best way to stop smoking, to each their own. Different people find lots of ways to stop smoking and many different ways work. Many of my clients have read the Allen Carr book and tried champix, zyban and patches and the average amount of time they stopped for is usually between 3 and 6 months. All these different ways are good but they don't deal with the psychological addiction of the cigarettes. Hypnosis is a great way of dealing with the addiction and most people stop for life. So don't knock it till you have tried it. :-)

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