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When a toddler has a tantrum...

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Right i want to ask ALL forumers not just the parenting section...what to do if a toddler has a tantrum in public? Ive seen people smack bums and also completely ignore the tantrum, both actions or indeed any action by the parent is frowned upon by someone-so what is one supposed to do-how does MR PUBLIC want a parent to react

Im just curious...

Personally i find myself apologising to people (Why?)and continuing to talk calmly to mine while going about my business

If i see another child doing it, i generally just feel pity for the parent(and want to give her a hug!)

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It sounds as though you are doing the right thing. It's always best to appear to ignore it but 'monitor' it too. Making a big fuss and shouting back never works IMO . It's a while since any of my 3 had a tantrum in public, but the strategy above always worked for me.

Good luck !

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When mine were younger i had this a few times. My children seem to think that because there is no naughty spot in the shops it is an excuse to play up. I have been known to make them sit in on one of the squares on the floor in the shop. I have had dirty looks from people but i refuse to smack the kids and refuse to scream and shout at them. Bugger what anybody else thinks they are not having to deal with it. Staying as calm as possible and not giving in to the tantrum is the best way. Somebody once looked at me like crap because i said no to one of my kids asking for something. Gee whizz. The worst thing i ever had the displeasure to hear was a woman to her little child was, 'if yer dont shut up im gonna f...... .itch slap yer'. absolutley vile.

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I'd agree with daven. our 2 year old has the most incredible tantrums, and is beside herself with rage and anger. After a while (3-4 minutes) of being 'ignored' (monitored expressionlessly) she'll reach out her arms for comfort, and at that point we'll pick her up and give her a big hug and calm her down.


Hitting the child cannot improve matters.

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well the woman in tesco who interrupted her mobile phones call to yell at her youngster, 'Im not bloody listening to you' while he was screaming the shop down could do with a few tips.


No love, you may not have been listening, but the rest of the store were grrrrrr


My two are teenagers now. Can only remember one tantrum and we left the shop with her feet rarely touching the floor! Took her outside and made it very clear that I wasnt tolerating that behaviour. She got the message:)

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Crikey this brings back memories!!!


When my son was about 2 we were in Meadowhall and he decided to have a tantrum because he didn't want to do anymore shopping. He sat down on the floor in the main mall and wouldn't get back up. I sat down next to him and waited until he was ready to get up, after a couple of minutes he decided that he wanted to get up, so we got up and carried on shopping without any further fuss.

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My nephew had a bit of a hissy when he wanted the Mr Man off the Persil tablets. He was in the trolley so he could only make a lot of noise but I reasoned with him that I didn't use Persil in any case and then walked off, talking to him all the time, how I knew it was the worst thing in the entire world that he couldn't have the Mr Man and by the time we turned the corner of the aisle he'd calmed down.


To be fair, and thankfully, he doesn't really have tantrums - or at least not when he's with us.

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