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When a toddler has a tantrum...

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Ignore Mr PUBLIC..... do what is right for you and your child.


I agree with that 100%. As the OP says, whatever you do some member of the public won't like it so you might as well stick to your usual routine.


I am a great believer in the noble art of distraction, which works best if you can use it to ward off a tantrum before it really gets going in the first place. When we first came to live in Germany I used to have to go on a bus journey with my two little'uns most days of the week. My younger toddler hated having to sit still. So I kept up a loud running commentary of everything we could see out of the windows the entire way. It was all the more noticeable to the other passengers because I was speaking English, but fortunately all I ever got was sympathetic smiles.


The day I ran out of inspiration has gone down in family history. It's now some 10 years on, but at some point during any lengthy bus or car journey with the kids someone will point out the window and proclaim in loud,enthusiastic tones: "Ooh, look at those lovely lamposts!" :)

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Is laudanum not allowed any more?




Amusingly, you can bid for a Godfrey's Cordial bottle on ebay. Sadly it's empty.


The thing about narcotizing infants with opiates is that they tend to end up very malnourished after a while.


Most parents tend to use theobromine nowadays as it is readily available in child friendly preparations, or if they are doctors, chlorpromazine hydrochloride aka "the liquid cosh".

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We've only ever had two thermonuclear meltdowns while shopping - both in Meadowhall.


The first time, he was strapped in his pram and we'd been looking at a book together. I was going to buy it for him but he threw a tantrum when I handed it to the girl at the till so I told her we wouldn't buy it after all and wheeled him out.


The second time, a bit older, we'd been in a toy shop & he didn't want to leave so he threw himself on the floor kicking and screaming. So I stood over him so that no-one would step on him and let him get on with it. Some people looked away but most people, including the staff in the shop, just smiled sympathetically. Eventually, he realised it wasn't working so he stood up & said "OK, lets go" :roll:

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My daughter tried this a few times whilst going through the terrible two's, she would throw herself on the floor screaming, all i would do is stand over her to make sure no one stood on her and leave her to it, once she realised i was not interested she would get up and act as though nothing had just happened, i wouldnt mention anything either as i felt that that is what she would want from me (a reaction). Most people walking past would look at miniwitch and smile at me, most parents have been through it, i dont think i was ever frowned upon

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