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Multimedia project needed


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I need a project for a module of my university course, the specification is for a multimedia application and specifically cannot be a website (although could be edited and turned into one after the project has ended).


It needs to be flash based and could be anything, from interactive promo for a shop, perhaps an interactive cd for a band that works both in cd players but comes up with a website style player with band info etc when put in a computer or even some sort of game as long as you have need for it...


pm me with possible projects, please bear in mind it has to be based in flash and of a decent size and scope so that I can complete it well in the time allotted by university. Other then that im happy to hear of all possibilities and the work will be completed FREE OF CHARGE






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how would you fancy doing one for an animal rescue?


perhaps as a give away for new owners? maybe with info on what to expect with your new dog - and basic training tips?



definatly interested in this although your pms are full, please clear them and ill send you a message



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it'd be better to PM rainrescue as it's her rescue centre - and sometimes she's not as enthusiastic about these things as I am ;)


you're welcome to have a look about our forum for an idea of what Rain is about, but the main website has crashed and is in the middle of being rebuilt at the mo :(

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