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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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Well I personaly dont beleve police figures ect, I think that thecouncil probably have an agenda here and the police are giving them the bullets for it.


Where I live we were reported as the worst area in sheffield and it was used to know parts of the estate down. How many times do we here the Manor or the wybourn, win gardens ect is the worst place to live ?


I have found from personal experiance that the police are very reluctant to put a report of a crime on a file and if possible will talk you out of even making a report. All it takes is for police to take reports of crime serious enough to add it to the figures and you have an instant bad area.


we have the same crimes all over sheffield that happen at gleadless and a lot dosent come to light due to people having zero confidence in the police. Its there if you want to look for it .

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"Worst areas" change over a very short time.


Norfolk Park used to be a notoriously bad area until the council demolished most of the council flats and they were replaced with private properties. Anti social types who would have been placed in the flats on Norfolk Park are now having to be placed elsewhere and at the moment Gleadless Valley seems to be the place. (Presumably because it is the council estate with the largest number of flats now.)

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There are some honest people up there, for example last year I lost my wallet in Town, it was found by an old bloke who lived on Gleadless Valley, he found my address and phone number on the folded up copy of my CV which was in my wallet and rang my Dad at home to say he'd found it.


I actually did a thread on here to thank him and that his honesty had restored my faith in human kindness but the thread got pulled because some fool (you know who you are!) decided it would be fun to troll and bait me on it.

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It is Gleadless Valley not Gleadless, The Star is referring to, these are 2 seperate estates & this should be clarified, this report is not only about police figures, read it correctly & you will see this


Forgive my ignorance but to the adverage bloke reading that , gleadless is gleadless.


and as for it not just being about police figures , well I dont doubt there is more too it but what im saying is that police crime detection of areas seems to be turned on and off and figure seem to pop up out of the blue just as the counsil need reason to look for funding and investment or want places reduced to rubble.


Maybe its good news for gleadless (valley or the other one ) and it will get the extra investment that the likes of pitsmoor ect have received ( probably not but its the thought that counts )

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lived in the valley for 30 odd years, now live at top end. mum and dad still live there and have done for 40 odd years. is NOT that bad. made me livid to read the star today. yes there are some idiot scum that live there and things are not perfect but for gods sake its no worse than anywhere else. not all people are jobless. some families work and some kids are great. they took little incidents and blown them up. and herdings is not in the valley anyway. the landlady of the blackstock serves a lot of the idiots and then complains.


the council have to take the blame for some of this for they put problem families and people on the valley and let them get away with everything, keep a diary they say if you complain, to what ends for they do nothing about it. they put the problems there. but gleadless valley is not as bad as is being portrayed. do not believe all of it. every area has these problems. :rant::rant::rant::rant:

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Maybe its good news for gleadless (valley or the other one ) and it will get the extra investment that the likes of pitsmoor ect have received ( probably not but its the thought that counts )


* £200,000 is being invested in community safety, providing four neighbourhood wardens dedicated to the area.


* Youths are being targeted with more activities, £60,000 is being spent on equipment for teenagers in Herdings Park, Sheffield Futures is increasing outreach work and £8,000 is paying for youth work training so more people can give assistance.


* Investment in parks and green spaces in Gleadless Valley has been doubled and the council is working with retailers towards improvements to shopping centres


* Health problems are being tackled by providing advice to girls about contraception, an "enhanced public health programme" and giving greater assistance to elderly and vulnerable residents to reduce hospital admissions.

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lived in the valley for 30 odd years, now live at top end. mum and dad still live there and have done for 40 odd years. is NOT that bad.



apparently it is, why on earth would the police and council make figures up?? the police are busy enough without inventing crimes to investigate!


if a person calls the police saying they have been assaulted, victim of criminal damage, public order offence, then the police will investigate it as such. If after the investigation is complete a suspect is not located, it will still be reported as crime. This is due to National Crime Recording Standards, and this is implememented by the goverment. This applies to every area in Sheffield/ the uk. so if the figures state gleadless valley is the worst/ one ofthe worst estates in Sheffield.... then there has to be truth there.

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