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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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I don't think Gleadless valley is that bad either, especially down the hill around Overend area. I have friends there and its so quiet.


I think if there is a problem its around the Herdings and the shops .. near the Blackstock Pub. Sure it looks poor, but that in itself is not an indicator that all is bad.


As for vandalism we regularly get the phone box smashed at Greystones, plus graffitti and litter on the Ecclesall Rd!


My house is for sale on Overend, I was very reluctant to move there but I have to say, I've not had 1 single problem, its VERY quiet on there. The neighbours are great.


The house sale isnt going very well, I havent had a viewing since December, the price has dropped by £5,000. This is certainly going to affect the sale :(



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i grew up in ecclesall, i now live in gleadless valley, on a private estate called paxton court. its lovely, we moved here in november and people are incredably friendly. both me and my partner work and have 2 children. i think its how u are brought up that matters. u could put me in the bronx and id still work hard, have pride and self respect because thats how i was brought up. values need to be instilled in to children at a young age and even though im bringing my children up at gleadless does not mean thay will end up having babies at 14 and living off dole money, over my dead body.

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My house is for sale on Overend, I was very reluctant to move there but I have to say, I've not had 1 single problem, its VERY quiet on there. The neighbours are great.


The house sale isnt going very well, I havent had a viewing since December, the price has dropped by £5,000. This is certainly going to affect the sale :(




gosh i dont know GV so i cant really comment but it does sound a bit rough :(

owlsman ive looked at your property and its lovely :D

but having to reduce it and it is really cheap doesnt say much for the area neither.

good luck with the sale though im sure some druggy will buy it (joke) :hihi::hihi:

good luck.

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i grew up in ecclesall, i now live in gleadless valley, on a private estate called paxton court. its lovely, we moved here in november and people are incredably friendly. both me and my partner work and have 2 children. i think its how u are brought up that matters. u could put me in the bronx and id still work hard, have pride and self respect because thats how i was brought up. values need to be instilled in to children at a young age and even though im bringing my children up at gleadless does not mean thay will end up having babies at 14 and living off dole money, over my dead body.


Same with me. I think the area is improving despite the negative press.

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its not just sorting out the youths on the street or the crime or the drugs. some parents need to be sorted out too. some kids are allowed to hang around till all hours, drinking, causing trouble and whatnot. with thieir parents not knowing where they are. long as out of their hair they dont give a toss.


Do you think a curfew would help? They had one at Meersbrook and it seemed to work wonders. Might be worth harassing your local councillors about!

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My house is for sale on Overend, I was very reluctant to move there but I have to say, I've not had 1 single problem, its VERY quiet on there. The neighbours are great.


The house sale isnt going very well, I havent had a viewing since December, the price has dropped by £5,000. This is certainly going to affect the sale :(




Sorry to hear this, but it might also have something to do with the general downturn in the property market.


I am optimistic about the future of Gleadless Valley, as people will always want three bedroomed, good value housing in a quiet area.

When you look at the cost of city centre flats and the problems they are having, in terms of quality and marketing, its not rosey for the owners of these places either.


I myself would rather have a three bed house around Overend Road, than have to face West Street first thing on a Saturday morning covered in sick and litter.

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i live on gleadless valley with my partner although i have my own house on yet another "bad area" Shiregreen. the council really should think very carefully when they rent out the empty properties. Three maisonettes became empty on this block ( all the residents on this block are elderly apart from us ) . What did they put in these places..... single mum with druggy boyfriend who are up all night banging doors , playing music , arguing and stay in bed all day. the second place was let to two alcoholics who again are young and don't work who drink all day and argue all night trying to kill each other. the third property was let to 2 drug addicts who yet again dont work , stay up all night taking things from their neighbors while they are asleep they dont work they are a problem and they have just had a new door costing around a thousand pounds which they have smashed in so many times its hanging off the hinges. they slam the door so loud the block shakes.


i know these people have to live some where but why put them all together in a lovely block like this which has now turned into a hell hole thanks to them and their visitors. it just seems that no thought has gone into the environment they are putting these people in. one bad apple is all i can say . i like it here but it is getting worse , perhaps not as bad as some parts of the valley but it is getting that way. I,m not having a go at these people before anyone jumps down my throat but i am sick of being kept awake all night when i go to work in the morning knowing they'll all be tucked up in bed all day :mad:


Complain and keep complaining to the council, your MP and the police if necessary. something can be done about people like this these days. Just don't let them know its you.


People are being evictied these days for being anti-social. It may take a while, but there behaviour can be modified these days.

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I would honestly take most things I read in The Star with a pinch of salt. This week it's Gleadless Valley, next week it'll be another estate. There's so little substance to The Star, they have to print something.


I've lived on Gleadless Valley for 14 years this year and haven't really experienced any problems. I have lovely uninterrupted views across to the Peak District (and spectacularly white today as well) and, ok, we've had a couple of car windows smashed (and yes, the Police DID attend) in that time but that doesn't just happen on council estates, it happens everywhere. For the most part it's quiet. My particular block is a mixture of elderly, a couple of young families and couples and the odd singleton. I and my immediate neighbours look out for each other's homes, cars, etc. I use the local shops and whilst the tearaways and layabouts annoy me in principle, they don't prevent me going about my business. I keep myself to myself and get on with it. Aesthetically, is there a greener council estate in Sheffield? Have you looked at it on Google Earth? I would certainly rather live here with lots of green and open spaces.


People harp on about Blackstock or Gaunt, and ok the pubs of the same names appear (I've never been in either so I can only go by reputation) dodgy but from what I can tell going up Blackstock to the roundabout, the majority of semis and tower houses appear to be privately owned now and look very nice with their modernised windows and/or nice cars standing on block-paved driveways. You don't spend that kind of money if you don't want to live in the area. You can also see a lot of the tower houses around the bottom of Blackstock, Bankwood and Overend are now privately owned.


The comments about it being like Iraq really get on my nerves. Who says the trouble causers all come off Gleadless Valley? When a friend's husband had his car nicked (off their private estate at Gleadless), the thief in question came from Dore! Like clarez85 above says, myself and my partner work hard and have been dragged up properly to work hard and have decent morals and values and respect for ourselves and other people. The fact that some people aren't is a pity and a reflection on today's society in general; it's really unfair to tar everyone with the same brush.

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