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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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The interesting thing about this for me, is that the council/police are responsible for this area just like all the other areas in Sheffield.


It's an admission of failure on THEIR part! You can't blame the entire community of Gleadless for problems across their community.


If the area has problems, why didn't/aren't the council/police doing something about it?


You can't blame the council or the police for the behaviour of residents within a community. Example, my neighbour knocks on my door and belts me round the chops... who's fault is it? The councils? NO The Police? Of course not, its the neighbours.


The Valley has been highlighted as an area of poverty previously and as I posted somewhere in the beginning of this thread there is huge investment in tackling the problems in the area.

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The interesting thing about this for me, is that the council/police are responsible for this area just like all the other areas in Sheffield.


It's an admission of failure on THEIR part! You can't blame the entire community of Gleadless for problems across their community.


If the area has problems, why didn't/aren't the council/police doing something about it?


'You can't blame the entire community of Gleadless for problems across their community' - what utter nonsense !

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I think it's more the bits between where the Far Lees was and where the Blackstock is on Leighton Road, and the bits by the Horse and Groom going towards the woods which are considered poor.


Think you need to get your facts straight, get down near horse and groom and see how many are council now !!!!!!!! the majority are bought

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The interesting thing about this for me, is that the council/police are responsible for this area just like all the other areas in Sheffield.


It's an admission of failure on THEIR part! You can't blame the entire community of Gleadless for problems across their community.


If the area has problems, why didn't/aren't the council/police doing something about it?


Not sure in what capacity you think the council are responsible? They provide houses and try and deal with cases of anti social behaviour, but without co-operation from the public they can't get evidence to take to court. The police used to deal with issues that are now part of many housing worker's jobs. But they haven't got powers of arrest, and they don't do 24 hours rotas. Unless the government decide to better resource police forces, I can't see them being really effective in most communities for a lot of the time.


A lot of the responsibility must sit within families. People who have children without any thought of the effort and cost it takes to bring them up in a decent manner. Parents who prefer their children out of sight. Of course its not the fault of a whole community, but perhaps they need to work together with the council and police to try and make things better?

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the counciL are responsible as the problem people on the estate. the council do nothing to help. they provide the houses yes but thats where it ends. anti social behaviour is met with "well keep a diary". that does not work. have personal experience in this which I will not divulge as it gets me very worked up. they council did nothing. and it went on for years, still the problem there and they still do nothing. diaries they have had in vast amounts. the council do NOTHING.


they wash their hands of it. thats why there are problems on the estate. the council left it to rot. did not focus on up keep of it, if they did perhaps the estate would be as good as it always was, but not they left it. some residents to blame of course and they should take the responsibiltiy but so should the council. we pay our council tax for nothing it seems

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* £200,000 is being invested in community safety, providing four neighbourhood wardens dedicated to the area.


* Youths are being targeted with more activities, £60,000 is being spent on equipment for teenagers in Herdings Park, Sheffield Futures is increasing outreach work and £8,000 is paying for youth work training so more people can give assistance.


* Investment in parks and green spaces in Gleadless Valley has been doubled and the council is working with retailers towards improvements to shopping centres


* Health problems are being tackled by providing advice to girls about contraception, an "enhanced public health programme" and giving greater assistance to elderly and vulnerable residents to reduce hospital admissions.


With the greatest respect, I live in GV and have not seen ANY evidence of this investment.


It was great to see the article in the Star about the new gym, but we only know about it because of the article. Nobody has advertised it - when did it happen? Why were residents not informed? Also, apparently 90% of residents are unhappy - nobody asked MY opinion, or that of my parents, brother and many friends who live on the valley. Where are these 90% of residents?


I agree that if people get together things can be improved, but I have not seen any evidence of anybody trying!

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I think it's more the bits between where the Far Lees was and where the Blackstock is on Leighton Road, and the bits by the Horse and Groom going towards the woods which are considered poor.


will someone please:gag:this person like i said before,its people like this who do not know what there on about that give this area a bad name :rant:bits by the horse+groom take a drive around there most should i say neally all houses on there are bought on blackstock,spotswood,bankwood and on overend there all just about bought just odd tower houses that are not

so please don't pull places down that people on there take alot of pride in and have made there homes very nice rest my case:roll:

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will someone please:gag:this person like i said before,its people like this who do not know what there on about that give this area a bad name :rant:bits by the horse+groom take a drive around there most should i say neally all houses on there are bought on blackstock,spotswood,bankwood and on overend there all just about bought just odd tower houses that are not

so please don't pull places down that people on there take alot of pride in and have made there homes very nice rest my case:roll:


Have you bothered to look at what else I've posted on this thread?


For a start I go down there quite a lot, and for second going down from Ironside to the Horse and Groom (which is where I meant) has always been a bit iffy.


Have a look back and see what I think of the Valley before you go shouting.

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the counciL are responsible as the problem people on the estate. the council do nothing to help. they provide the houses yes but thats where it ends. anti social behaviour is met with "well keep a diary". that does not work. have personal experience in this which I will not divulge as it gets me very worked up. they council did nothing. and it went on for years, still the problem there and they still do nothing. diaries they have had in vast amounts. the council do NOTHING.


they wash their hands of it. thats why there are problems on the estate. the council left it to rot. did not focus on up keep of it, if they did perhaps the estate would be as good as it always was, but not they left it. some residents to blame of course and they should take the responsibiltiy but so should the council. we pay our council tax for nothing it seems

COUNCIL COUNCILTAX, RENT WHY ? 3 days i have beenn without heating or water now,council said for the last 2days would be out still waiting,my 4yr old recently out of hospital with phneumonia having to live in these conditions and i pay what i do,YET another family 400 yards away on benefits as usual been given a nice grant to do there maisonette up,courtesy of our great sheffield homes

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