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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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It amazes me that it's taken so long for the city newspaper to cotton on to Gleadless Valley being the new Iraq.

I lived there until December 2007 and I couldn't leave fast enough. The downfall even in the 2.5 years I lived there was evident.

In 2007 alone we suffered vast amounts of antisocial behaviour issues with local teens, cars were written off due to vandalism and attemped theft. Someone set fire to our perimeter fence when we were in the house, leaving us no escape route (no back door) but thankfully we found it. The fence was graffitied and rubbish thrown in our garden.

That's other then stealing the for sale sign, smashing bottles all over the path outside (where our toddlers walked and often fell obviously), leaving stolen goods in the plants we put at the side of the house, vandalising the garage doors and harrassing the cat. People were dealing drugs on the street outside our living room window where we could see them, one of the neighbours appeared to be a dealer, another was a wife beater - we heard them many a time.

That's just one year. 2006 was equally disgusting.

No one on this planet could convince me to go back there, I left with a triumphant grin and I have cut all ties.

The area is terrible and is normally only defended by either criminals, those who are fortunate enough to live in the better parts of the area, those who are not involved with the neighbourhood and coincidentally live in the least affected areas and those who are loyal because they used to live there.

The only decent and likeable neighbours we had also had their house on the market and were desperate to move and I was pleased to note that they had found a buyer as we left, I hope they find somewhere nice.

I lived at Batemoor a long time ago, because it was the only council place I could get, GV was worse than Batemoor, by a long shot!

I couldn't be happier to have left and my advice to SY Police is to remove those few decent people who live there and carpet bomb as much of the area as possible.

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Community spirit is all about a common ground and about the community pulling together. Ifyou can't all engage you will have conflict. Maybe not everyone is your cup of tea but you will have something in common, be it schools, buses, shops or young people.


Don't write a community off, it can be rebuilt if enough people want it.

I tried that, there was this HUGE thread on SF where I tried to drum up some support to deal with it and after a lot of heated arguments, a lot of disbelief and a whole lot of tit for tat, only 2 people said they would consider showing up to a meeting. 2! So 3 of us were meant to go out and conquer the whole thing.

I even spoke to the kids outside individually and in groups, some of them said they were too scared even to go to the youth club because of the distance and it's proximity to the J O'G.

When I gave them a really simple task to do, so that I could start getting some funding to do something - they did nothing.

I gave up and sold our house. I actually felt Winn Gardens deserved more help when I came over last year and brought stuff, GV, especially in the last 2 months I lived there, became somewhere I dreaded going and I was going anywhere to avoid going home.

Though community spirit is good and can often get a lot done, sometimes you just have to accept that no one wants to do anything.

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Oh Z thats really sad to hear. I don't know what to say. The Valley is ripe for regen but it has to have some impetus from the grassroots to stand any chance of working.


I'm sure there are good people there who would do the work involved if they had the courage. I know its hard, I was sent to coventry by most of my estate alongside another for nearly a year for standing up against yobbish behaviour, but they got bored and all was eventually well.


All I can say is the estate has to heal itself, it can be helped and supported but it needs to come from within otherwise, any help offered will be thrown back in the face of those who give it. Those who live there need a local trusted face to head the regen and link with the services on offer.

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I tried that, there was this HUGE thread on SF where I tried to drum up some support to deal with it and after a lot of heated arguments, a lot of disbelief and a whole lot of tit for tat, only 2 people said they would consider showing up to a meeting. 2! So 3 of us were meant to go out and conquer the whole thing.

I even spoke to the kids outside individually and in groups, some of them said they were too scared even to go to the youth club because of the distance and it's proximity to the J O'G.

When I gave them a really simple task to do, so that I could start getting some funding to do something - they did nothing.

I gave up and sold our house. I actually felt Winn Gardens deserved more help when I came over last year and brought stuff, GV, especially in the last 2 months I lived there, became somewhere I dreaded going and I was going anywhere to avoid going home.

Though community spirit is good and can often get a lot done, sometimes you just have to accept that no one wants to do anything.


I remember the thread Zebra, and I contributed on it as well.


It's here and closed, if people want a shufty through it


I hope you're feeling much better now, by the way.

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Just read all of this. Apart from the last couple of pages, there's nothing but pointless mindless bickering:rolleyes:


Although I did spot this....


Look at the one lone comment... if that isn't a forummer, he should be :hihi::hihi:


You're so right about the bickering - never mind the real issues, lets debate which streets are actually in GV! I saw the comment in the Star - he must be local. :roll:


I remember the huge thread mentioned by Zebra, and I won't be revisiting it, because it was exactly the same. She lived there, suffered from lots of anti social behaviour, and was shouted down time and again by people who should really know better. Zebra tried to garner some support to get the community to work together, and she was vilified.


Zebra, if you're reading this, I'm glad you now live somewhere you like. :) I think in some instances its a waste of time trying to offer any suggestions or produce any factual information - and this thread has proved to be one of those instances! :(

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It was great to see the article in the Star about the new gym, but we only know about it because of the article. Nobody has advertised it - when did it happen? Why were residents not informed? Also, apparently 90% of residents are unhappy - nobody asked MY opinion, or that of my parents, brother and many friends who live on the valley. Where are these 90% of residents?


I agree that if people get together things can be improved, but I have not seen any evidence of anybody trying!


Certainly anyone with an involvement in the local Tenants and Residents Association (TARA) would have known, the letter was from their chair. If people on an estate don't get involved in their TARA, they might be missing all sorts of things?

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The area is a hot spot, at least according to the figures. So which is it, are they not taking reports seriously, or do they record more of them than they would elsewhere?

The police don't have time to be messing about like this, I suspect that if the figures show more crimes then there are in reality more crimes.

I doubt it was the police's idea to release the figures either, they aren't interested in naming and shaming generally.


WHAT!!! you dont even live here. the police DO NOT come out as much as they say. there is not a big police presence in the area. was driving on leighton road the other night and there was no one hanging round, no police, nothing. And you know what, it was just like normal.


we are not just saying all this you know. the police do come out to some incidents but mostly because its a racial issue. believe me the police leave it unless its that. phone them up to come and they respond within 10 minutes if its racial otherwise dont hold your breath. sad but true


an incident where an asylum seeker was targeted happened a while back and they got moved to a better house in another area within days. police came out at once and council sorted them out with bigger house in 2 days. another resident being targeted had to put up with it for years, police and council did nothing. and to some extent its still going on with that resident. the asylum seeker in question was a nice bloke and didnt deserve to be targeted. he had 3 young kids and a wife and they were a very nice family as most of residents are. but the police arrested and charged the man hassling them but nothing ever happened with that other tenant.

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Zebra, sorry to hear bout your experiences and did read the other thread. is awful that you had a bad time here but can not agree that this is a new Iraq. that comment a bit too much.


so only people that defend the valley are criminals or live in better area. no you are wrong. I defend it cos its not that bad. had yoiuths hanging round, had troublesome neighbours,had fires and the like. but IT IS NOT THAT BAD. you make it sound like you fighting for your life while her. my god. winn gardens so much nicer is it. I know people there and its just the same, or do you live in the BETTER area of it.


is awful you had to put up with the scum where you were but to say that the only decent neighbour was someone who was also selling up is a downright insult to other decent people who lived near you, were the others ALL scum then. obviously you only had one good one.


do think that we should pull together though, but think a the people who do suffer probems and people who know them are scared to do anything. sad I know. thats the problem


its not just sorting out the youths on the street or the crime or the drugs. some parents need to be sorted out too. some kids are allowed to hang around till all hours, drinking, causing trouble and whatnot. with thieir parents not knowing where they are. long as out of their hair they dont give a toss.

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