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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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I dont think Gleadless is any worse than anywhere else in sheffield but now they have just cause to do something about it.


Cyclone, If your on a council est and want to report a crime it isnt taken serious. the police seem to think that its your own problem living in that area.

Then they start taking every report serious because they have someone peering over there shoulder and WAMMO ! instantly the figures go sky high and instant bad spot without having to doctor figures or anything.


crime exists everywhere and the police are selective in where they appear.

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Zebra, if you're reading this, I'm glad you now live somewhere you like. :) I think in some instances its a waste of time trying to offer any suggestions or produce any factual information - and this thread has proved to be one of those instances! :(


Thankyou. I love our new house and the area seems to be very good. The only glitch is that we have the countryside just a couple of hundred metres away from our house, leading to nuisance motorcyclists. You might well imagine that I've already begun to deal with that. This is my haven.

Thanks for your support :D

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so only people that defend the valley are criminals or live in better area. no you are wrong. I defend it cos its not that bad. had yoiuths hanging round, had troublesome neighbours,had fires and the like. but IT IS NOT THAT BAD. you make it sound like you fighting for your life while her. my god. winn gardens so much nicer is it. I know people there and its just the same, or do you live in the BETTER area of it.


is awful you had to put up with the scum where you were but to say that the only decent neighbour was someone who was also selling up is a downright insult to other decent people who lived near you, were the others ALL scum then. obviously you only had one good one.



No, I'm afraid I have to disagree, my opinion is valid as it's based on my experience and it really is that bad. Yes, pretty much all my neighbours were terrible. The house opposite was the drug dealer and the rest of the road were barely any better. We had issues with or witnessed vile behaviour from pretty much all of them.

In essence, having someone set fire to our fence, which was our only means of escape - pretty much IS fighting for your life.

I was certainly fighting to live any sort of quality of life and spent lots of time and money avoiding going home.

It is that bad, there's no changing it, it's my opinion and if I felt it was so bad I had to get away as fast as I could. We considered the new houses on Willow Edge but decided we needed to get much further away.

Also I stand by what I said about the people who defend the area but I shall add one more - those people who know the 'right' people, the friends of the criminals and drug dealers, they tend to be safe. But that's just as unacceptable.

I have seen some threads on here from GV people who seem to be very respectable and I feel sorry to offend them but it doesn't change a thing, the area is the pits.

Though I lived in the Middle Hay area my aunt lived just behind the J O'G and then on Constable. I've spent a lot of time in the area and I know it well.

The scariest fact I can share with you is sourced from a relative of mine who works for the police, if you had ANY idea of the volume of crime in the area you'd be amazed. And horrified.

There is FAR more crime in that area than most of the residents are aware of. We suffered a lot of it and even I was amazed.

There cannot be a continuous police prescence, though it would help, it simply costs too much and there are limited resources to spread right across the city and to cover te other problem areas.

GV is worse than many other areas, I've lived in Rother Valley, The Manor, Heeley,GV, Sharrow, Batemoor and now Kiveton. GV is by far the worst, followed by Batemoor. My experience of crime whilst living on The Manor was non existant.

I simply cannot comprehend why anyone would defend the area if they had endured what we did, for those who are fortunate, or naive, I just hope they don't become as miserable as we did.

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i moved to middle hay in 1999 and in all my time here have not witnessed the sort of crime some people are talkin about in fact i bought my property in 2004 and am still happy here the only crime committed against me in that time was my headlights smashed in about 2002, although i do know some round me have had their cars broken into recently, i am not claiming benefits,with children or living/married to anyone i am a single woman living on my own and am quite happy to walk in the area at night without any fear of being attacked, maybe im naive or just plain daft but i feel safe here!

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We endured 4 months of hell on Sands Close in 2006 and ended up leaving because of the harrassment we suffered from neighbours. This included writing graffiti on our door, threatening my wife and children, throwing stones at our cats, and climbing onto our balcony.


Apart from the harrassment aimed at us we suffered from sleepless nights caused by families sitting outside drinking and shouting 'til the early hours, and several families on our block allowing their children (some as young as 8 ) to play outside until after midnight.

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zebra, yiou moved around a lot. you always like this about areas you live. seems you cant settle anywhere. GV is NOT THAT BAD.


an to insult EVERYONE OF YOUR NEIGHBOURS is downright disgusting. so EVERRYONE was bad neighbour. can not condone the scum that set fire to your fence etc and thy really do need stringing up for that. and can not imagine how bad that was for you but to slate everyone and say people who friends with scum are SAFE. Im not friends with any drug dealers, drug users, criminals, asbo youths, nuiscance neighbours and I feel safe and have had no trouble.

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oh my god, zebra, everyone so very bad on the valley. agree with above post, you have moved around alot havent you.


I am also no friend to scum on the valley and I have no trouble either.


you out of order slating the good people of the valley, can not believe that every neighbour where you lived on the valley were bad. now remember neighbours are not just directly next door, they from the street where you live, the back and front of where you live and across the road where you live. generally you slating a good amount of good people there.

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zebra, yiou moved around a lot. you always like this about areas you live. seems you cant settle anywhere. GV is NOT THAT BAD.


an to insult EVERYONE OF YOUR NEIGHBOURS is downright disgusting. so EVERRYONE was bad neighbour. can not condone the scum that set fire to your fence etc and thy really do need stringing up for that. and can not imagine how bad that was for you but to slate everyone and say people who friends with scum are SAFE. Im not friends with any drug dealers, drug users, criminals, asbo youths, nuiscance neighbours and I feel safe and have had no trouble.


lioness, a large proportion of my neighbours were bad, (see my post 92, earlier in this thread about what me and my ex hub had to put up with)


you are lucky, no, strike that:- "exceptionally fortunate", to not have had problems.


we had purgatory when we had all this going on next door to us. raids by the police all hours of the day and night. It was unbelieveable, that the council housed so many undesireables together, in one small block.


Zebra's experience was that it was hellish, my experience was that it was hellish, and the three decent families who lived either side of the scummers on the block we were on, also thought it hellish, too, as they were driven out by the ASB from these scummers.


Three families were stuck in that single block of 20 properties, because they'd bought their properties before the scummers moved in, and now had no hope of selling up and getting away...


four families simply driven out by the level of the AS behaviour,


a couple of elderly couples, just counting the days till they could be rehoused in sheltered housing, because they couldn't cope.


the ASB might have "only" been one fifth of the tenancies, but by gum they were 100% of the perpetrators of the trouble.

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