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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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i used to live on Landseer walk Gleadless valley, which wasn't too bad a place yeah you got damage to your car every 18 months if you where unlucky. but generally it wasn't a bad place, it was always blackstock road and especially the john o'gaunt area that was considered the worst for trouble. The odd burnt out car in the car park of the gaunt didn't exactly look good. but having lived in pitsmoor i can tell you the area between constable road and leighton road seemed like paradise. council estates will always get bad mouthed and it's a shame, because the majority of the time people want to keep their houses and estate nice. It's a pity it's only the crime and bad points get highlighted and not the fact that most people are decent people who just want to live in peace!

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We bought it in sheer desperation, expecting twins and needing a bigger house, we knew it would be rough but we didn't have any concept of just how bad.

The selling was ingenious, we sold to one of those companies like National Homebuyers, they gave us less than the market value (but our new builders made up the difference :D).


I'm glad you were able to get away its no good living somewhere that makes your life a misery.


I live at Gleadless and my experience is quite the opposite from yours, we have good neighbours and haven't had any trouble in the 7 years we have been here.

I personally don't think Gleadless is all that bad.

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I moved to Gleadless about three and a half years ago. It was really nice then, the neighbours were chatty, the part of the estate that I was on was always clean and tidy and the block of flats that I live in was always in a good state of repair.

Over the last eighteen months it really has gone downhill, but not to the extent that is being reported.

The crime problems in the area are mainly vandalism and fly tipping. The fly tipping especially as people can't be bothered to cue at the dumpit site and just offload their rubbish into the surrounding woodland.

This problem is not entirely caused by the residents of Gleadless, although at the last tenants meeting the council were urging people to report it as at present nobody really bothers.

Other crimes that you do witness on and around my part of the estate are miners on mini bikes or dirt bikes riding around the pedestrianised areas by the shops or on any of the extensive and beautiful green areas that we have at our disposal.

Car crime is another issue that we have come across. My OH's car has been broken into as has my neighbours van just to mention two that have affected my life.


Although these crimes do take place the area is still not as bad as some areas I have lived in and are certainly not as bad as some of the areas my friends live in now.


Some of us are getting our heads together to think of ways to improve our area of the estate, we have started to attend the tenants meetings to find out a bit more about what is being done and to see what we can do to make it better.


More input is definitely needed by younger people at these meetings as the average age of attendees must be 70.


If some of the passion put into arguing on this thread was put into improving the area for everyone then it would fast become a thriving and great area again.


Here are a few pictures of the heart of Gleadless Valley, and one of the reasons it's so great to live here.




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The conclusion I bring to this lot is if your the sort to be a victim then you will be no matter where you live.


maybe im more thick skinned but I have had crime done against me and have not let it get to me like the extent it seems it has other on here posting.


maybe if the council looked at ways of dealing with the bordom and the negativity that seems to dominate our media (T.V included) and estates, then maybe the youths could have a possitive out look and respect people, life, and our existance in total.


Instead of listening to how bad life is and how the future is fu ked with the global climate ect, and if we our selves as parents didnt listen to all the cr4p about terrorists and the stuff that bush ect wants the world to beleve to do their cause, then maybe we could get back to letting our children live and grow up worry free. instead of brain washing them to look forard to a world of misssery and war.


maybe instead of closing public houses and other social meeting points the council invested in communities instead of migration we would all live in a better place.


To be honnest, how much consultation did the citizans of SHEFFIELD get about the mass new build of flats hotels ect that no one wants ?

How much consultation did areas get about council estates get abouty demolition and the migraton of estates ?

How much consultation did estates get on immigration to the communities from other parts of the world and the UK ?


Sod all.



Thanks for the wake up call all you that we elected but we kind of thought that we voted you in to improve things instead of taking your 30 pieces of silver and falling in line with the rest.


I think the real SCUM are not police or people living on council estates but the people that forget their roots and take the challace of someone elses cause and not ours.

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> snipped <

This problem is not entirely caused by the residents of Gleadless, although at the last tenants meeting the council were urging people to report it as at present nobody really bothers.

Other crimes that you do witness on and around my part of the estate are miners on mini bikes or dirt bikes riding around the pedestrianised areas by the shops or on any of the extensive and beautiful green areas that we have at our disposal.

Car crime is another issue that we have come across. My OH's car has been broken into as has my neighbours van just to mention two that have affected my life.


Although these crimes do take place the area is still not as bad as some areas I have lived in and are certainly not as bad as some of the areas my friends live in now.


Some of us are getting our heads together to think of ways to improve our area of the estate, we have started to attend the tenants meetings to find out a bit more about what is being done and to see what we can do to make it better.


More input is definitely needed by younger people at these meetings as the average age of attendees must be 70.


If some of the passion put into arguing on this thread was put into improving the area for everyone then it would fast become a thriving and great area again.


Here are a few pictures of the heart of Gleadless Valley, and one of the reasons it's so great to live here.





The photos are lovely. Its because of those parts that Gleadless Valley compares very well to the rest of Sheffield in terms of its environment.


My bold:


I'm glad you're not suffering too much where you live, but I can remember zebra's (and other people's) unhappiness due to what was happening around them there.


Zebra tried previously to rally support, its been mentioned earlier, and had very little success. In fact she had to put up with some pretty nasty comments - as if she had no rights because she hadn't lived there since the estate was built. :suspect: But the tenants' group/TARA is a good place to start, and you are spot on - it does need younger people to get involved. I used to work with groups like these, and I was usually one of the youngest - in my late 50's! You might also be interested in this: http://www.sheffieldhomes.org.uk/about-us/area-boards/area-board-meetings

Gleadless Valley is in the South East area, and again, most board members are in the upper age group. There could be opportunities to get involved there. Good luck! :thumbsup:

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Other crimes that you do witness on and around my part of the estate are miners on mini bikes or dirt bikes riding around the pedestrianised areas by the shops or on any of the extensive and beautiful green areas that we have at our disposal.


Since the pits shut down they've got nothing to do, that's the trouble. :hihi:

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