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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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Tonight's 'Star' has a piece about the reaction to the earlier article and how it has acted as catalyst for a public meeting to discuss how to tackle problems.


I'll copy the date, time etc. when I can get the paper back from the outhouse!


Lets see our GV residents there. Eh?




.... Tuesday March 4th - 6:30 pm - Gleadless Tenants Hall (which I assume means "Newfield Green Tenants Hall")

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I have lived on the Valley for forty years now, my wife and myself have brought up two beautiful children who we are very proud of, they never ever brought any trouble to the door ever!Alas in the past twenty years(thats when it started to slide) its plumbed the depths, the council should take the blame for putting all the rubish from Kelvin,Norfolk Park,Pitsmoor ect plus all the refugees that are here two (dont give me any racist crap Im only speaking the truth)

When we moved here everybody was proud of their homes, all the windows were sparkling clean the fronts were washed every week,everybody interacted, we met in the Pub on a night (if we had a babysitter) we all went to wedding and birthday dos at the Tennants hall it was great but now what a difference, windows are rarely cleaned, windows are never opened,curtains are never drawn back in fact on the Maisonettes where I live one bloke has not drawn his curtains back for at least fifteen years and the house is absolutley filthy.The refugees on this block are as bad windows always covered by bits of curtains and such even though they are pulling in more money from the state than I can earn a week.

No one has any pride in their homes any more except for the older people,the young people just do not care about anything or anybody,they let their designer dogs out to crap anywhere and everwhere despite signing a tenancy agreement not to have dogs,refuse is left outside the front doors,beer cans are thrown on to the grass for someone else to pick up. The youths who have left school have no intention of getting a job, and they just roam around looking for what they can steal --- But they are some very decent young people here they try their hardest to get work and judging by the young men on the bus in a morning a lot of them have succeeded. My comments are mainly about things in and around these Maisonettes where I live but other people who I know on the Valley its exactly the same where they live. Oh yes there is an arsonist living near the Wyvern but he still hasnt been caught by the Police up to now he has torched around seven cars,I think he gets his kicks out of the siren on the Fire Engine, hes probably one of the scum that was re-located here by the Council. come back Sillitoe !!! the Sheffield Gang buster.

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You just have to read and Quote the forums. People obviously have strong opinions in the area that they live in, its just a pitty that the council doesn't have as much regard for these areas as the people paying them rent to live in them.


Strangely, people from the better off areas of Sheffield complain about the council putting all their effort and most of their money into 'Closing the Gap'. :confused:

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I don't think it does anything for an area to be labeled as 'bad'. Reinforcing a negative reputation makes people not want to move into the area so regeneration doesn't occur. A place is never all bad anyway and it's a home to a lot of people. Calling a place a 'bad area' is like giving people permission to keep ruining it and does nothing for any remaining sense of community.

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Having just been door knocking with a community liaison officer, trying to get people involved in a new community project, I have found out just how angry Sheffield Homes are about the whole thing.

Apparently the Sheffield Star were going to print some more 'balanced' stories about the area to try and appease the residents and undo some of the damage, however this has not come to fruition.

I will be attending the public meeting and I strongly urge anyone else from the area to come along aswell and get your point heard by the relevant people.

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Having just been door knocking with a community liaison officer, trying to get people involved in a new community project, I have found out just how angry Sheffield Homes are about the whole thing.

Apparently the Sheffield Star were going to print some more 'balanced' stories about the area to try and appease the residents and undo some of the damage, however this has not come to fruition.

I will be attending the public meeting and I strongly urge anyone else from the area to come along aswell and get your point heard by the relevant people.


I think the Sheffield Star should take the responsibility for the anxiety and upset they have caused Gleadless valley residents.


It seems to me that this article is no better than the worst of tabloid journalism, but the damage it does to the community is immense.


I am sure the valley does have its problems, but doesn't every community. For people who have bought property in that area, it could have a long term effect on the ability to sell their House, should they want too.

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