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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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I suppose it's down to personal experience, I lived on the Valley for almost 10 years and have fond memories of the place, but after 4 years on Parson Cross I consider it the distended rectum of Sheffield. I'm sure there's plenty of people who would disagree based on their own experience.

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lived in the valley for 30 odd years, now live at top end. mum and dad still live there and have done for 40 odd years. is NOT that bad. made me livid to read the star today. yes there are some idiot scum that live there and things are not perfect but for gods sake its no worse than anywhere else. not all people are jobless. some families work and some kids are great. they took little incidents and blown them up. and herdings is not in the valley anyway. the landlady of the blackstock serves a lot of the idiots and then complains.


the council have to take the blame for some of this for they put problem families and people on the valley and let them get away with everything, keep a diary they say if you complain, to what ends for they do nothing about it. they put the problems there. but gleadless valley is not as bad as is being portrayed. do not believe all of it. every area has these problems. :rant::rant::rant::rant:


Got to agree about the landlady...I've often seen shop lifters go into the Blackstock pub with bags full of stolen goods, Their bags are allways empty when they come out so she must turn a blind eye to this?

Also most of the dole bums and their youths sit in or out side the pub lining her pocket so she should be careful about biting the hand that feeds her.

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apparently it is, why on earth would the police and council make figures up?? the police are busy enough without inventing crimes to investigate!


do you live on the valley have you ever lived there. if you do then you blind. IT IS NOT THAT BAD. or is everything written in a newspaper true!!!! i did not say it was the perfect place on earth i said that yes it has its faults, but no different from any other area, with drugs and crime. but it is not that bloody bad. :rant::rant:

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er wasn't the tram stop smashed to pieces at Herdings Park withing less than 24 hours of being installed??


Doesn't the tram regularlly get bricks throught the windows between there and Leighton road??


Aren't things placed across the track and set alight on a regular basis???

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lived in the valley for 30 odd years, now live at top end. mum and dad still live there and have done for 40 odd years. is NOT that bad. made me livid to read the star today. yes there are some idiot scum that live there and things are not perfect but for gods sake its no worse than anywhere else. not all people are jobless. some families work and some kids are great. they took little incidents and blown them up. and herdings is not in the valley anyway. the landlady of the blackstock serves a lot of the idiots and then complains.


the council have to take the blame for some of this for they put problem families and people on the valley and let them get away with everything, keep a diary they say if you complain, to what ends for they do nothing about it. they put the problems there. but gleadless valley is not as bad as is being portrayed. do not believe all of it. every area has these problems. :rant::rant::rant::rant:

HERE ! HERE it a total joke,If anyone can come on here and be honest that they been mugged,raped,burgled victim of any crime on Gleadless then lets hear it.Yes graffiti vandalism etc but hasnt every area ? And has for landlady of Blackstock more u 16s in there than at school plus shop lifters.And yes all the refugee familys been put on the estate what do you expect,I live here and wouldnt move.:rant::rant::rant:

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er wasn't the tram stop smashed to pieces at Herdings Park withing less than 24 hours of being installed??


Doesn't the tram regularlly get bricks throught the windows between there and Leighton road??


Aren't things placed across the track and set alight on a regular basis???


Check when this last happened, your talking crap wow bus shelter gets put through at gleadless valley ALERT worse estate in Sheffield ! 16yr old gets shot dead pitsmoor, need i say more ! teenager robbed at knife point westfield ! the only people who can say over gleadless isnt councilors,police housing officials or them it is the people who live here,

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