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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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hippy chick, yes there is a tram stop with leighton road on but it doesnt run on there does it. bit daft that really. but agree with all you say. I remember years and years and years ago if you went in to the phone box on the gaunt shops then the kids would run round with rope and tie you in. always been a very bad spot.


Hippy chick? Chick? I might have long hair, but I ain't a chick :hihi:


The thing is though, I don't think the flats at the back of the Gaunt were that bad. It's a noisy minority. Going back to years and years ago, do you remember the flower shop next to the old Post Office, next to the old Co-op?


I know things are noisier now, but it's not as bad as people make out either. I live at Jordo now, and people **** a snoop, but really, it's nowt like people make out.

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Ok, first, technically, the valley is around Abney/Bankwood area, and further up Blackstock Road, is Gleadless, is that correct? Are all these areas technically in Gleadless Valley Ward though?


Gleadless Valley is probably the most aesthetically pleasing council estate I have ever seen. It has a lot going for it, including most of the people there. However, it serves no purpose, other than to perhaps protect peoples pride, and possibly house prices, if they've bought their own council house, (but only in the very short term) to turn a blind eye to the obvious decline of the area. By no means is Gleadless Valley on it's own here but as estates get worse places to live, if we say, 'it's not bad', and don't act proactively, then, things can only get worse. At the moment, it seems to be minorities spoiling these estates but these minorities are growing and if we're not careful, they will soon be the majority, everywhere. The re-building will only start when people are ready to say, 'ok, it's not a bad place to live on the whole, but it's on the decline, and things could be better, now let's look at what we can do and what help we need' but people need to work together as communities. When people turn a blind eye to what's going on, then that's really when the rot starts to set in.

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Ok, first, technically, the valley is around Abney/Bankwood area, and further up Blackstock Road, is Gleadless, is that correct? Are all these areas technically in Gleadless Valley Ward though?


I don't define the area by the ward, though that will have been the case from the OP. In the same way, where I used to live in Charnock is far removed from the area known as Birley, though Charnock is in Birley ward.

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I don't define the area by the ward, though that will have been the case from the OP. In the same way, where I used to live in Charnock is far removed from the area known as Birley, though Charnock is in Birley ward.


I see what you mean. I wonder if the figures cited in the star represent the ward.

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the valley diva is also part of leighton road, spotswood, overend, bankwood, and around those areas, more I know. but abney, never classed that as the valley, too far over. but in essence you right and spot on with your post. it is the few that spoil it. and unfortunately the statistics do centre on that rather than the good aspect of the area. it is such a shame, an area that once won awards for the set out of it, where once the land owner who sold to the council used to ride round on her horse to make sure that trees were planted as agreed when the area was being built. such a sorry shame.


the good people of the area should be respected in their decency and not tarnished with the same brush as the scroats that spoil gleadless valley. am ashamed that some of these scroats' parents I know from way back and these parents are to blame for letting their kids run wild. am proud that I or my family never caused trouble an proud that my son never hung round the streets causing mayhem.

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i cant see why anyone would be surprised its like smack central its a shame cus when you look at it from the other side of the valley it looks well thought out looks like a nice place but i know all too many would say different


Yeh it might have been ''Smack central'' (your words not mine) about 10-15 yrs ago but it isn't now, i know, i live on gleadless valley and have done most my life as have my family.


I must be walking about with my eyes shut or something because i certainly haven't noticed an increase in crime, in fact i thought it had quietened down a little, ok there are some gangs of kids, but then when i was kid we hung about in gangs on the shops etc, only difference is we had respect for our elders and wouldn't have dreamt of causing trouble or robbing people or causing damage to property because everyone on the estate knew your parents and we'd have got a good hiding off them had we been doing so.


Only the other day i was in the co-op and the women behind the counter sold 2 big boxes of stella to a kid i know who is only 17 and his 2 mates who are 16 & 15 they didn't even try to look old enough just stood there in the obligatory tracksuit's and caps, she didn't even bother asking for ID just served them, everyone in the queue was muttering under their breath how young they were and should have been asked for ID. This is alot of where the problems stem from, shops not bothering and just selling alcohol to known underage teens.

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middle hay is bad, but the council do nothing. they have been putting problem families in those flats for a while. they emptied norfolk park of them and sent them in to gleadless. the flats really need to come down. they were great years ago, but the community spirit of yesteryear has gone and they dont work anymore. years ago, people on the flats all got on, all the kids played with each other, good community spirit. but now none of this exists. should pull them down. but that does not make gleadless a war zone. or "the worse esate in sheffield"


I lived on Middle Hay View for the first 20 years of my life and watched it graduallu deteriorate from the early 80s onwards ( I still visited my mum for 10 years there before she passed away). Such a shame - I had happy memories of growing up there but it was starting to turn grim by the 80s

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