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Gleadless Valley named bad area in The Star


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Gleadless Valley is S14... be it the top end or the bottom end the estate as we know it IS Gleadless Valley... Gleadless Valley school was on matthews lane at Norton yet still took the name of the estate!!!! I cant see how arguing over what part is the valley and what isn't, is going to sort out the current problems on the estate.


The truth of the matter is there is no sense of community anymore on the estate.

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Check when this last happened, your talking crap wow bus shelter gets put through at gleadless valley ALERT worse estate in Sheffield ! 16yr old gets shot dead pitsmoor, need i say more ! teenager robbed at knife point westfield ! the only people who can say over gleadless isnt councilors,police housing officials or them it is the people who live here,


I don't think Gleadless valley is that bad either, especially down the hill around Overend area. I have friends there and its so quiet.


I think if there is a problem its around the Herdings and the shops .. near the Blackstock Pub. Sure it looks poor, but that in itself is not an indicator that all is bad.


As for vandalism we regularly get the phone box smashed at Greystones, plus graffitti and litter on the Ecclesall Rd!

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Gleadless Valley is S14... be it the top end or the bottom end the estate as we know it IS Gleadless Valley... Gleadless Valley school was on matthews lane at Norton yet still took the name of the estate!!!!


Is important to us who love the area. Gleadless VALLEY is that A VALLEY. herdings not in it, neither is john o'gaunt. Gleadless Valley school was in bloody norton for gods sake so how that classed as the valley??????? it overlooked the valley was never in it. but yoiu are right in that there is no community anymore. I remember years ago when people getting married would have their do at the tenants hall on newfield green shops. was always a great night. no worries with it. shame its got bad bits in area now. great shame

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Is important to us who love the area. Gleadless VALLEY is that A VALLEY. herdings not in it, neither is john o'gaunt. Gleadless Valley school was in bloody norton for gods sake so how that classed as the valley??????? it overlooked the valley was never in it. but yoiu are right in that there is no community anymore. I remember years ago when people getting married would have their do at the tenants hall on newfield green shops. was always a great night. no worries with it. shame its got bad bits in area now. great shame


look why are you squabbling about what area is valley and what isn't??? :loopy:


I live on the Gleadless Valley estate and so do all my family, Gleadless Valley is S14 and my post code is S14 so is my parents post code who live on constable!!!!


We know what a Valley is... and the Star quoted '' Gleadless Valley Estate'' which IS where we all live... THE GLEADLESS VALLEY ESTATE!!!!!

Why are you getting all angry, How can you expect to have a community atmosphere with people who get angry over what part is Valley and what part of the estate shouldn't be classed as GV :loopy::confused:


As for the School comment, i said that the school was in Norton but took the name of the estate!!

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I used to live on the Dell ( knocked down now), then Leighton Road, moved around a lot, must have Gypsy blood. Anyway "The valley" is'nt all that bad, just a select few who ruin it for everyone else, I guess. I really do miss the view, over the woods, watching the seasons change, the beautiful colours of the leaves. Plus you had half hour warning of rain etc cos you could see it coming in over the moors. I think Herdings and Hemsworth have been bungled in under the lable of Valley in this Star article and actually it's only Newfield Green that has a few probs.

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:rant:blondie blue. I have lived and breathed the valley since I was 6 months old. I have loved my life on there. I have had the best childhood on there. i consider myself a true blood of the valley for it was a new estate when my parents moved on it. I will always consider myself from THE VALLEY! (look i didnt need to put that in bold) and not just from gleadless.


gleadless covers a big area, gleadless valley does not. there is a difference that is important to some of us. it does not take away however the decency of the folk that live on gleadless as a whole. it is swimming with decent folk who love the area as I do. I lived on gaunt road at one point and when a house came empty on the valley I went to council and asked for it before tenants moved out (I knew them well) and since it was before the bidding of properties I got the house. I wanted my son to grow up in the environment that I did, to be safe playing like I was. to have a great happy childhood like I did, and do you know what he did and he still loves THE VALLEY!!!!!!!!!!!:rant::rant:

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I dont want to get in any arguement with you or anyone else I am just so disheartened by the article in the star. I have had such a good life and living on the valley was a good thing. I am sorry to go on about it but it is very close to my heart. I do not wish to offend you or anyone else. Gleadless is a good area, all of it. and posts like yours and mine and many others will hopefully make people think good of the area. we are all fighting the same battle it seems

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My Family were the first people to move onto the estate... my granparents were the very people that had the Hemsworth J&I school built because they appealed to the council about the distance their Kids (my mum & aunty & uncle's) had to walk to the nearest school!!!


So yeh i reckon i qualify also as being part of the VALLEY, like i said my family members and i have lived here for years. Chill your boots, we're all (valley residants) gutted that the estate has been ruined like it has, and we need to all pull together as a community to bring it back to how it used to be instead of squabbling like kids!!!

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