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Hush - poem for your musings


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I know this needs work, but it's tonight splurt and so fresh and a little tender still. Any impressions of the overall flow would or general ramblings would be appreciated.



Just me and this paper of urging distemper,

With rockets of criminal pain,

Turbulent tracks,

and something that smacks of salted, liquid defence.


Now silence shrieks louder than any white powder,

that I have ever rolled in.

And bracing the ruts,

the deeper it cuts,

to breakthrough the hardhat I’m in.



I’ll cluster,

my limbs to my chest and pray for the next new awakening,

Assign bells and whistles,

to tantric heat missiles,

and set plumes on sanctuary’s callings.


Soliloquy’s had me,

tarnished and fattening,

From daring to plot on the graph,

The future I looted,

not thick skinned or booted,

I’m drowning in aftermath.


Ripe arms fancy fighting,

to fend off chest tightening,

and shadows that clip to the heels.


These linguistic bruises,

are nothing but cruises,

to float me so that I cannot keel.

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I read this over and over and I,m left with that same feeling I get when I listen to Bob Dylan. I know its poetry and I know it is really good and I have images in my mind created by the words and rhythm you have used, but I have only those emotions and images you have created to tell me what it is about.


I have ideas but don't feel confident to comment other than to say, lines like "turbulant tracks" or "now silence shrieks louder than any white powder" lead me to think it is about substance dependancy and a personal fight against it. Please forgive me if I am a dim git the poem is very powerful but my comprehension of it is weak. However that could account for why I like it so much. After all Dylan would be boring to me if I understood every word he ever wrote.

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Thanks for the comment Scotty. I'm glad you like it.


It's not really about substance abuse, though it's mentioned as comparison to emotion. It's actually about the calm after the storm (i.e. an argument that isn't over but isn't currently being continued) and the feeling that your first assumptions of someone was wholly incorrect.


AND... please Scotty, feel confident to be as honest as you like with all of my poems. It's the only way I'll learn afterall and I don't expect to get it spot on but I'm willing to try to get there.

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