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Handsworth and a swimming pool under Parkway?


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As i live in Handsworth i am interested in it's history. I believe that at one time there was a swimming pool where the parkway is now, i believe where there is a roundabout. I even believe it's still under there somewhere and have an old picture of them building it. Does anyone actually know where it was/is?


Cath x

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Guest Mickyboy

The outdoor swimming pool was in Bowden Woods and was quite visible although derelict up to the time the Parkway was turned into a dual carriageway.


My Family moved on to the manor when it was first bulit in 1928

when my dad was born and he used to swim in there.

When I was a kid we used to play in it too but that was just ffishing for tadpoles and catching frogs as it was half full of green slime.

Beleive it or not it was fed by the stream that runs from the Springwood pub through Darnall and into the Don.

I dont think any of it is still visible as it was covered with spoil from the Parkway alterations but for its exact location from Handsworth follow the path in to the woods from the Asda cross over the mosborough pakway into the second section of the woods and as you face in the direction of prince of Wales Road the path takes a sharp dip down .

In the dip as you look to the left you can see the stream which disappears under the parkway.The baths was on the left adjacent to the stream. Ther are photos in some local history books.

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i remember playing on the remains of the pool as a kid,we once found a very old rusting axe head close by the pool and took it to western park museum,they sent a letter back saying it was used for copising and was made in darnall around 17 oo,s,


we also found a small leather bag full of powder,when we took it home my mates dad said it was blasting powder and got rid off it,imagine walking all the way from bowden woods to the woodthorpe estate with a bag of gun powder?

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  • 3 years later...

wow im just browsing pages from ages ago and stumbed across this

i never knew there was a baths here it facenates me history of sheffield

has anyone any stories about the darnel area and handsworth of interesting places that no longer exist ?????

ooo do tell ......... cheeres x

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the executioner of king charles 1 came from darnall, a giant of a man,he had to be smuggled into the tower to do the job then smuggled out again, cant remember where i read it as it was years ago but it could be worth a search..




quick look brought this up



william walker is said to have been the executionor of the king and a plaque was placed in the parish church after his death in 1700

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