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Anyone go to Abbeydale Grange School


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I was a pupil at Abbeydale Grange School back in the 80s, it used to be a good School.


I have seen some of the 'riff raff' that attend the School now and NO WAY would I send my kids there, it has really gone downhill. From my observations a large number of the pupils seem out of control.


Anyone else got any comments about this School?

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Still wander round in the school grounds as it's a handy dog walking area, I suppose there are a few happy memories as well but not many. Hague, Bates, Wilkinson I disliked them all.

Nowadays the school is a fraction of the size it was when I was there and now is just housed in the Lower school on Hastings Road. The Upper school is offices for the LEA and the sixth form has gone razed to the ground and the land is up for redevelopment so probably another over priced housing estate.

The kids who go there are no worse than the kids at plenty of other schools but if I walk past with my dog i do get irritated when the Muslim girls squeak in mock terror and some of the lads inform me that they will kick my dogs head in. Charming individuals and I for one want to know why the school doesn't have teachers standing at the bus stops at kicking out time.

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Originally posted by WallBuilder

Still wander round in the school grounds as it's a handy dog walking area, I suppose there are a few happy memories as well but not many. Hague, Bates, Wilkinson I disliked them all.

Nowadays the school is a fraction of the size it was when I was there and now is just housed in the Lower school on Hastings Road. The Upper school is offices for the LEA and the sixth form has gone razed to the ground and the land is up for redevelopment so probably another over priced housing estate.

The kids who go there are no worse than the kids at plenty of other schools but if I walk past with my dog i do get irritated when the Muslim girls squeak in mock terror and some of the lads inform me that they will kick my dogs head in. Charming individuals and I for one want to know why the school doesn't have teachers standing at the bus stops at kicking out time.


I left in 85 I think? The names you quoted, they sound familiar. Mr Massey was the Head there during my time.

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Think of running the cross country circuit and the names may register. I'd of been one of your prefects when you were a first year, didn't we enjoy swinging you around by your ties.

This has come up on the forum before and there are some interesting school memories on Friendsreunited. My favorite teachers were Miss Nicholls English, Mr Brown Maths, Mr Longley History, Mr Williams R.E. I still possess all the photo's of the sixth form classes and will one day get round to putting them up on Friends reunited.

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From when I was there in the 1970's, the teachers I remember are:-

Miss Williams, the headmistress of lower school, who taught Maths


Mr Longley the deputy head of lower school, who taught History,


Mr Ramsbottom, who taught R.E.


Mr Marshall, who taught English


I can picture a few other teachers, but I can't remember their names. I left in the third year to go to another school.


I remember the sixth form library and the woods between upper and lower scholm being out of bounds. I also remember the steep grass bank behind lower school, which was always made out of bounds during winter.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to AGS for the whole of my secondary years, starting in '94 and leaving in '99, when Jan Woodhead was head. I really liked it and had many happy memories there. The best teachers were Mr Dacey, Mr Gilmour & Mrs Parry. Since then though, unfortunately it has developed a bad reputation which is a shame cos it served me well and got me to where I wanted to be. Often, it depends on the individual; a student who works hard will succeed no matter what school they go to, but the teachers I had at AGS made my time there extremely worthwhile. :thumbsup:

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  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Do you think maybe its time the school was given a break? If people looked beyond the reputation of the school and actually looked into things such as value added, as well as ofsted reports and positive media then they'd realise that the kids at that school are achieving and gaining a very positive educational experience. I remember going to look round in 94 and the reputation was no better then than it is now. Surely all schools have bad kids?? I don't imagine for one second that its aperfect establishment, but what school is?? Its nice to hear that Burny had a positive experience and is praising the teachers!

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I went to AGS for the whole of my secondary years, starting in '94 and leaving in '99, when Jan Woodhead was head. I really liked it and had many happy memories there. The best teachers were Mr Dacey, Mr Gilmour & Mrs Parry. Since then though, unfortunately it has developed a bad reputation which is a shame cos it served me well and got me to where I wanted to be. Often, it depends on the individual; a student who works hard will succeed no matter what school they go to, but the teachers I had at AGS made my time there extremely worthwhile. :thumbsup:


OHH ME GOWD!! I left in 1993


I remember them, I remember Mr Gilmour eating a banana in class, as a way of putting a point accross??!.bizarre.

Mrs parry always had this frizzy mop of hair!

I liked it, however the school does seem to have gone downhill since then, and its only a fraction of the size it was.

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