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Anyone go to Abbeydale Grange School


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i left in 91 and i remember mr brown who in the forth year he had the slow group and in the fith year it was the head of marths i also remember mr ling french teacher, mr machin histroy,and mrs machin english, and pob the miusic teacher dose anyone remember mr silvester when he was a student just staring to be a teacher how he used to go quiet if realy anoyed him .


do you remember mr cousens cos he was great and funny i felt sad when he left

oh by the way pavlo who r u anymore clues?



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if anyone know who the teachers name was for pop beause i cant remember his name the decription it he was very old very skinny wore glasses and was very old fashond wore gry trouses with braces holding them up

pleases let me konow who he was



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Hi I left in 98,


Wow Mr Gilmour, Ms Parry and Jan were all pretty kewel.


PM me if ya like and went to the school around that time/.


I went to AGS for the whole of my secondary years, starting in '94 and leaving in '99, when Jan Woodhead was head. I really liked it and had many happy memories there. The best teachers were Mr Dacey, Mr Gilmour & Mrs Parry. Since then though, unfortunately it has developed a bad reputation which is a shame cos it served me well and got me to where I wanted to be. Often, it depends on the individual; a student who works hard will succeed no matter what school they go to, but the teachers I had at AGS made my time there extremely worthwhile.:thumbsup:


I went from 1995-2000 and had no regrets going there at all. It hasn't the greatest reputation, but when you actually get inside you're made to be a person, not just a pupil with a number, that gets the school it's money if you pass your exams. They actually cared about if you passed, and wanted you to do your best.


My catchment school was Meadowhead - but I'd still rather go to Abbeydale than Meadowhead anyday. I like to be able to wear what I want, wear make-up if I want - be my own person, not what someone wants to make me out to be. I wanted to make my own decisions, have a say on how we wanted the school to be run. The (majority) of pupils in that school had respect for their peers as they were asked their opinions and given the chance to do well. Jan Woodhead was an inspiration to that school and completely changed it around. She had respect from staff and pupils, and fantastic links with local press. If anything happened - she told them the truth. We had a report in the Guardian, television cameras doing a report for about a week (Look North) - if the school was that bad would she really have let these things happen?? I think not.


I wouldn't have any reason not to send my kids there (not that I have any!) - I had a lovely time there, came out with some good GCSEs - so did some in my year - fantastic results even, someone even went to one of the unis at Oxford/Cambridge.. can't be that bad can it?

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30andsexy think grange hill character. Mr cousins is the manager of a rugby team. can find out because i was going to surprise him or shock him lol:hihi:


i have seen him recently in sheffield and he reconized me and asked how i was you r right he is a manager of a rugby club but i dont know where or who

cheers :thumbsup:


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