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Rime - an epic poem


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I wanted to write a rhyme

about freezing fog and Rime.

Frost and snow may come and go - we see them all the time

But Rime’s a long lost brother - like the third, uncared for Attenborough

It’s emerged from obscurity to bring crystaline purity

to world full of greyness and grime.


When you’re bundled in your coats like a poor man’s Captain Oates.

And it’s 8 below and it’s time to go

Just stop and spare some time

for the humble transient Rime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some info on Rime Frost for you, Malanimal, we had some rime frost a few weeks ago, my kids claimed it was snow and tried (unsuccessfully) to negotiate the day off school.


“like the third, uncared for Attenborough”


I really liked that line,

Even though it did not rhyme.

I think I’ll say it one more time,

I really liked that line.

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I too was stuck by the Attenborough line. I wonder why that is?


Also thanks for drawing attention to "Rime" which seems to have an important place in our literature. It makes a significant appearance in the book I am reading "Mister Pip". This in turn makes reference to "a rimy morning.." from a scene in Great Expectations where Pip takes some food and a file to Magwitch who is hiding in the marshes.

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