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Looking to be an IT Technician

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Originally posted by Skatiechik

I can't believe you couldn't get on a college course with those grades. When I left school, my sixth form only required 4 GCSES at Grade C or above. Have standards risen that much nowadays?


Dependant on the course isn't it. Notice the lack of Maths in the list of GCSE's.

Maybe resitting the ones you need for the course you want would be the better option.


Rotherham is hardly "outside" Sheffield. If you want to get into the job market (and personally i'd recommend another 8 years of schooling) then Rotherham isn't that far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't hold out looking for an IT job at your age, it's hard enough finding one at my age :(


To stand any chance of getting a decent job you need a Drivers license and at least MCSE/CISCO equivellent.


Tritech are placing students in Schools mostly, and they are on very little wages compareable to the dole.


When I went to College I didn't have good enough grades to make the Advanced GNVQ in IT course. I ended up being placed on a course to re-take my GCSE's but after a few weeks of work I got moved into the Intermediate GNVQ IT class. I spent about 30 minutes in there and was then moved into the Advanced class.

Maybe it's worth just going to College as often they will move you into another class once they see your skills.


When I was in school I wanted to be a Games programmer as my Uncle also works as one. When I realised how boring programming was I soon changed my mind.


The Sheffield University run a project called SYFIT for unemployed people living in Sheffield. I think you have to have been unemployed for over 6 months or have spent a year on the Dole to be eligable. They pay about 11k and train you and eventually place you out in a school. With you still being young unfortunately I don't think you'd be eligable. But it's worth looking out for other projects similar for people your age.


Pop into the Sheffield Futures building in Town and have a chat with someone in there. They are well informed of all similar projects for people your age.


But if you want my advice stay well clear of becoming an IT Technician. There is very little money left in that side of IT and soon any old office mug will be playing the Technicians role.


If you want some sound advice go into either: Networking, Security, Programming or Graphic Design.

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I work in IT and it can be very boring!! Like Blaze says, there is very little money in most of it anymore... We have people in our office who have done their MSCE but still can't get a job that uses their qualifications. Someone else has a good degree in IT and just works on out parts department adding part numbers to calls and ringing people up, checking the engineer has been! Like most industries, you need to be in the right place at the right time or prepared to move anywhere in the UK for a job. I would rather be happy in Sheffield doing what I do than stuck in London spending hours on the tube every day. I used to do field service work which I guess is something you might like to do, that drove me nuts because half my wages went in tax for having a company car, and I spend most of the day sat in traffic jams.

Good luck in finding something you enjoy but like you have found out, it's generally just the people you work with that make work alright and not the job.

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