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Sheffield Ski Village


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he went to a birthday party there a week after it opened. Obviously some mother had to get in first to get one over on the rest.


He loved it, had hot food, panned for gold (came back with some! lol) says the slides are amazing.


They have been touting the local schools with vouchers to get in for a pound before the summer holiday starts.

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  • 6 months later...

Have you been on dry slopes before?


It's really good as dry slopes go, but I imagine learning to board would be much nicer on snow!


Wear mits and keep your thumbs tucked in. The biggest problem with dry slopes is catching your fingers and thumbs in the honeycomb matting when you fall (and this will happen loads if you've not been boarding before!)

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The matting is made up of toothbrush like mats with palm sized holes (like a big door mat). There are irrigation sprays to make it slippery that spray a mist to about knee height, so you'll need waterproof trousers. And as you'll fall down loads, don't wear anything expensive until you get good!


Have fun!


I'm better at skiing, and have only had one board lesson - on snow, but I'm quite keen to try boarding again.


Sheffield ski village is so good that we used to bring a car load of people up here from peterborough of a mid-week evening and arrive home around midnight.


Funny, we've not been since we moved back up here! :suspect::hihi:

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Hi djbaker2. My mates n I went for our first snowboarding lesson last fri night n it's effin brilliant. None of us had ever been on a board before so didn't know what to expect. We had a really friendly and immensly patient instructor named George who taught us the basics in the first lesson and also managed to keep his cool despite teaching 3 muppets!! Apparently if you can master snowboarding on dry slopes, real snow is much easier. Defo wear something waterproof. We all loved it. Don't think you'll be dissapointed. You start of on nursery slopes which don't look very big but once at the top and on the board they're defo big enough!

Enjoy :smile:

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Sounds a bit pompous, but I would'nt go no where near the dry stuff!

Extreme in Castleford is by far the ideal choice ( Indoor real SNOW ), it's just under an hour away.


I've been boarding over 10 years now and been lucky enough to always ride in the Alps.


Just got back from Chamonix this weekend with a friend who was trying it for the first time.

He did 12 hours at extreme before he went, and when he got out there it was as if he had 2 weeks under his belt (that's quite a lot for us Brits).


Another week on the mountains and he'll be in the intermediate zone, no question.


Dry stuff or real stuff, make sure you are wearing WRIST GUARDS!

That's the best bit of advice I can give you.


Good luck and enjoy.

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Guest poppins
Originally posted by djbaker2

Has anyone been?


me and my mates have booked snowboarding lessons there and we've never been, just wondered if it was any good?


I was there when it first opened oround 15/20 years ago if i remember right !


It wasn't anything like it is now so i hear, but the kids had a lot of fun on it, just one lift and one slope back then, i'm sure it's changed a lot since, someone on this Forum gave me a site to look it up as it is now, it was amazing the changes they'd done to it , and we all said at that time it wouldn't take off ! how wrong were we all ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am a Parish Councillor from a small village in Northumberland that may be getting a ski village along with various other sporting attractions like golf courses etc. We are a bit worried about the noise the indoor ski slope would generate as houses would be very close. Does anyone have any comments?

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