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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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Ask yourself whether anyone would complain?


I know what you are saying but the thing is the council, in the long mail I got from them said that I would be liable for any damage or injury caused if I placed blocks on the verge. Thats why I was thinking of bollards as wherever you look there are damaged verges and I have not heard of any council fines being imposed as was supposed to be happening.

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Somebody on Wooley Wood Road in Shiregreen complained to the council (Labour at the time) about a resident who had put neat white bricks on the grass verge to stop parking. Result the resident was told to remove the bricks and the moron who complained went on to ruin the grass verge with inconsiderate parking. The resident should have replaced the bricks with land mines and then justice would have been seen and heard to be done.

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This is the firm that makes the surface used for National Trust car parks, etc...




It drives me crazy seeing all the grass verges chewed up by inconsiderate parkers.


Obviously, there will be some people who have no offstreet parking but, by and large, they tend not to be on streets with grass verges.


In the area where I live, there are numerous roads with grass verges which have been turned into a quagmire despite the fact that almost every house has a garage plus enough driveway to get one or two additional cars on.


The problem is that, when it is a family with two or more cars, people are just too lazy to have to start shuffling their cars around if the one which needs to go out first is blocked in by another car, plus the fact that most people are too lazy to give their garage a good clearout so that it can be used for the purpose for which it was intended.


I would definitely welcome any move to clamp down on this inconsiderate parking. It can very quickly turn a reasonablly attractive street scene into an eyesore.

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There's a slaphead and his missus who live on Everingham Rd towards the Longley Park end who park both their cars on the grass verge at the opposite side of the road to the side they live on. Sod the folk who actually live next to this grass verge and who take care to park on the road when they're at home. From the Longley Park end upwards for about 100 mtrs the verges are pristine, then you come to the bit that these two plough up whenever possible. Oh how the locals would all laugh if their cars were towed away one day.

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Motorists parking their cars on grass verges in Sheffield will be

fined up to £70 if this law is approved by Sheffield Council.


Good or Bad ???




Good, but £70 is not enough, certainly not for a second offence anyway!
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I know what you are saying but the thing is the council, in the long mail I got from them said that I would be liable for any damage or injury caused if I placed blocks on the verge. Thats why I was thinking of bollards as wherever you look there are damaged verges and I have not heard of any council fines being imposed as was supposed to be happening.


Yes, it's part of the public highway, so you have no right to obstruct it.


The way the law works means that the Council actually have to take the offender to court, it's not just like issuing a parking ticket, there's a lot of effort involved and the Council only have a couple of highway enforcement officer, who have a lot of other stuff to deal with.

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Well a bollard is totally different to say a breeze block painted white, also I can see why it is illegal to place a block on a footpath someone could trip over it. The grass verge is different not a lot of people walk on the verges for fear of treading in the dog mess that is left there.

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