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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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i park my car on the grass verge outside my house.because it`s the only place 2 park as i live on a main road i admit the grass verge looks a mess when the rain as been an the ground gets boggy but were else do u park your car.i think one solution is for the council 2 concrete the grass verges so they woundn`t look a mess when the grass gets boggy


Err...on another road?

Have they built the main road since you bought your house, or did you know you were buying a house on a main road? (I'm guessing I know the answer).

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i live on a road which is very narrow, you can only park on one side of the street and this is also a dead end with houses that go on after the road has stopped. well we end up with people who live in those houses parking outside our house and yes i know it is a public road so they have a right. but next door has a drive and he has paid the council to paint a white line in front of his drive, thing is he never uses his drive and then goes and parks his car half way over the white line towards our house taking up room that other cars could use. other drivers are not considerate when they park as well, just leave it where they want and sod everyone else, if they took care parking then we would be able to get more cars parked. Someone must have been parking half on the grass verge across the road as i noticed when i came home tonight that someone has put cones on the grass to stop them doing it!!!

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A guy down the road from me parks his works van on the actual pavement because there are bollards in the grass verge, you can't get round it without going into the road.

Best thing is, he's got a drive !


That's what annoys me. People parking on verges and narrow roads while their drives stand empty night after night!

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err...on another road?

Have they built the main road since you bought your house, or did you know you were buying a house on a main road? (i'm guessing i know the answer).


err... Ave parked my car on another road but went 2 the car 2 go 2 work an the tyres were slashed ave u tried leavin yer car on a different street or road on the manor estate thats why i park it out side my house so no u dont no the answer pleb!!!!

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My neighbours seem incapable of using their driveway, they always park half in front of it and half-block ours off. We have a double driveway which we reverse our cars onto. My neighbours don't actually have their own car, it is their friends/family that do it. They even once blocked me in when I had just got in the car to go to work.

We have only blocked their (empty) driveway off once, and that was when my car would not start and had to be recovered by a breakdown truck. Even then, it was only there for 5 minutes.

We had taken to parking one of the cars in front of the driveway at weekends, just so they couldn't do it.

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A car has been parking on the grass verge at the top of our local park entrance. I have just found out that its one of the staff that works at the park. Ooh, the irony of it!


Ha, streetforce park on what was once a grass verge at the end of our road, its just a horrible bog now.


Our lovely grass verges are fast turning into a nasty churned up mess, thing is most of the houses have driveways which for some reason the drivers don`t want to use. There are some houses that don`t have driveways but there would be plenty of parking for them if others used their drives.


I see wheelchairs and scooters forced out onto the road many times because of cars on verges and pavements. I can`t wait for the fines to be dished out.


My main gripe is that the people who visit others often park on the verges and these are the ones who probably won`t get caught as the wardens can`t be there all the time. The people who visit opposite me do this and it makes me very angry. The grass was a mess last year so i seeded it and it came back nicely, this year it`s not worth even trying as these are big ridges churned up by the tyres and it would take the proper tools to make it right.


I hope that besides the fine the people parking on the verges have to pay to put right the damage that they have done. I agree with someone who posted earlier about Dyke Vale Road, it`s terrible down there. The wardens should take a look around Frecheville and see just how much cash they can collect there with very little effort.

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8th post and a personal insult, well done. Should have got a house not on the main road.


it`s only my 8th post because i have a life away from this forum not like SOME.An are u really suggestin that people with cars shouldn`t live on main roads. Some people never think before they speak DO THEY !!!!

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