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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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Originally posted by scribe

Fair point ,but what i am saying and as i write this .There are no yellow lines , the road is wide enought to park both sides.


Also as i look through my window there is a large white van and a flat back truck parked fully across the footpath ,It wont be long befor they take over my front lawn.l


Is this not anti-social & in-considerate .............


I do sympathise with you, really I do.


If there's room for the vehicles then I can't see no reason why they can't park on the road.


Round the corner where I live the council have actually taken out the grass verges and replaced them with concrete so all the cars can park on there..


We have been told they will be taking out our front garden and making a hard standing for us to put our car and it can't come soon enough.


Where we park our car at the moment is actually down the road from where we live....not good when you've got a boot load of shopping.

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where i live there are double yellow lines so i cannot park,

i have to use the grass verge,

i had applied for planning permission,(i have use of a dropped kerb)

i was refused,due to not enoght visability,so i have to rent a council garge at £4,72 a week to park my car at night,due to vandalising,

you tell me what am i to do???

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Originally posted by julie23

just let the council drop kerbs to allow access on to peoples drives,and turn,some of the wider grassed areas into off road parking,surley the costs the owners have to pay the council will more than cover there cost,

and the roads would be clearer,


I have suggested to one of our councillors that they did this on our road because there have been several incidents where other motorists have crashed into residents parked cars due to the road narrowing, in front of our houses, causing a funneling effect. The grass verge in front of out houses is 2-3 car widths plus a pavement so it would be simple to create pull ins. It was followed up by the councillor and I got a nice letter back saying that the council had a policy of not reducing grass verges. They also have a policy of cutting the grass verges infrequently and when they do cut them, they leave the clippings on the paths and pavements to rot.

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The council cut our grass verges at least 10 times during the summer, allthough they do leave a bit of a mess, when it has dried the wind blows the grass cuttings away. I'm sure everyone must admit a verge looks better when it is all grass rather than deep ruts where a white van parks everynight. If the council can't stop people parking on the verges then the least they can do is tell them to park on there own garden, this may seem a little harsh but the truth of the matter is most of these households have got 2 and 3 cars and that is what is causing this whole problem. I know we live in a different world now but 20years ago it was one house one car.

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  • 1 year later...

Across the road, there are some really incosiderate peolple who not only park their (crap) cars, outside our house, but outside everyone elses. Not only that, they park on the grass curb and it makes a right muddy mess. They know that it annoys us, but they still do it. Isn't there anything against this sort of thing?

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Isn't there anything against this sort of thing?


Not that I'm advocating this sort of thing, but if for example, someone was to place large white painted stones outside your house, without your knowledge, then people would be forced to park somewhere else...


Off course, if a representative from the Highway Authority came along doing their job, they would insist that they were removed, but of course, you don't know who put them there, so couldn't possibly be held liable ! ;)

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Across the road, there are some really incosiderate peolple who not only park their (crap) cars, outside our house, but outside everyone elses. Not only that, they park on the grass curb and it makes a right muddy mess. They know that it annoys us, but they still do it. Isn't there anything against this sort of thing?


It has been favourite moan for years, parking on grass verges also b----y great white vans parking outside the houses near us. Every now and again there is something in the Star newspaper about one councillor or other who is going to get something done because I do believe it is an offence, but thats about it. I think all they have this purge on every so often for is to kid us on that they are earning their wages. I wonder what sort of homes these people who park on grass verges live in because they can't have any pride of where they live. As far as white vans, I think we are losing the battle, but surely these things are a danger to other road users and pedestrians stepping out from behind them and therefore a road traffic offence.

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