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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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If parking was so obviously going to be a major problem, why on earth did you decide to live there? :huh:


Rent a garage, build a driveway in your garden (if you have space), or find some other solution for a problem of your own making.


Same reason you probably live where you do the area .......


No garages in the area nor anywhere to build a drive


Problem of my own making far from it it doesn't bother me nor anyone else on the road who park on the verges and it hasn't bothered the neighbour in question for the two year vie lived here but now she's being a ar*e

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If you can get your cars onto the verge can you not get them into your front garden? Who is responsible for the verge? Could you be breaking any bylaws by parking on the verge? Do both of your cars fit on to the verge immediately in front of your house or are you parking in front of someone else's house as well?


Our council (not Sheffield) allowed us to lower the kerb so that we can park in our front garden and I know that they have let some neighbours take over the verge in front of their house on which they have put some blocks down (the sort with holes in that allow the grass to grow through). But I don't know how all that was agreed and who paid for what.

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houses without drives are advertised as having "on street parking" as does the one next door to me. so park on the street and no one can say anything. my neighbours churned up my verge ( yes I know I don't own it) to park on his.

Oh and if a car damages itself on the brick . then whomever placed the brick there is liable. park on the road.

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Car owners are a law unto themselves, changing a well cut grass verge into a quagmire in a matter of weeks and they dont give a toss, the Council should make them pay for a layby to be put in outside their houses.


So its ok for the gas board , water ,electric and lorry/van drivers to all park on the grass verges? They dont seem to be bothered about what mess they leave behind and theyre usually working on behalf of the council

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If your car is causing an obstruction on a public highway, thou shalt be commiting an offense. So ollocks to your neighbour, you are simply acting within the law of the land! I'd have words with council, see if they can put a designated parking bay in for you or approach the bus company, pointing out the narrowness of the road, as in totally unacceptable route due to the amount and difficulty of private parking. The last thing they need is claims for damaged private vehicles.

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I think it's the lesser of two evils to park on the grass verge. It's the most considerate option and let's face it, unless you live in Beverly Hills, why would you care that much about the mud tracks on the grass verge? At my parents house there's quite often 4 cars in the household; 2 will fit in the drive and the other 2 are parked on the grass verge. This is also on a bus route and quite a busy road. Do you care more about holding up traffic all day or about your grass verge looking pretty? :loopy: The cars are not on the pavement either so not causing any obstruction to pedestrians.

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