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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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About 2years ago there was an article in the Sheffield Star, which was written by a Councillor, that stated the The Sheffield Council were going to clamp down on this problem and send council workmen round to issue fines to people parking on grass verges, has anything happened? has it hell. The sooner something is done about it the better, it is a complete disgrace to see the verges all churned up as they are.


Its happened in other towns down South. Councils have classed it as criminal damage to their property.




Hertfordshire Council have a bye-law and can fine you £500:




No doubt if this ever happens in Sheffield you'll get the usual rabble on here moaning they've got a fine and its a "stealth tax on motorists" or "motorists are a cash cow" and the other tripe they spout.

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It's awful to see grass verges which have been churned into mud by people parking on them.


So I'd say keep off the grass.


If the road doesn't have any parking restrictions, then I can't see a problem parking fully on the road. If it was a going to cause an obstruction, then surely there would be some restriction?


Totally agree I hate the sight of the churned up verges, as for them not being cut well, I always cut mine in the summer and try to keep it looking neat. I don't want it churning up because some people cannot be bothered to park their car and walk 50 yards, as I have seen happen. The problem is the council are useless we have had this on the forum before. You are not allowed to put blocks down on the verge, if a car is damaged by you putting them down then you are responsible, they won't let you put bollards up either. Another gripe is people who do not put a drop kerb in and just run over the grass verges onto their drives, the council should make them put one in or fine them to stop the pavements getting covered in mud.

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Why not use a car park.


Are there free 24 hour car parks on every residential street?


In fact, scratch that, are there normal car parks on every residential street?


It's a case of practicality over aesthetics. I'd rather have free flowing traffic and clear roads than a pretty little patch of grass next to the pavement.


For the record I don't park on the neighbours grass verges; at home I use the garage and at my parent's house I use their grass verge.

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Another gripe is people who do not put a drop kerb in and just run over the grass verges onto their drives, the council should make them put one in or fine them to stop the pavements getting covered in mud.


What about this guy. He went one further and concreted over the grass.


Not just a short section but hundreds of feet!



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I think you will find that has a dropped kerb and is properly done, looking at the picture.

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The council could if they were bothered issue fines for the damage to their property. Personally i dont think people should park on the grass, if they buy a property knowing it has limitations for parking then thats their own choice, its as bad in my honest opinion as poeple who mount the kerb when parking, "to give other road users more room", all very noble, but not strictly legal.

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My wife has spent most of the morning filling tyre tracks on the grass verge opposite our house with compost and topsoil, and grass seeded it. Hopefully, by the time the mowers are out, the new grass will have established itself. Luckily, the tyre marks were not too near the row of daff bulbs our local councillor planted a few years back.

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