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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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This has been asked before and the council could take a dim view of any parking on the grass verges although I haven't actually heard of anyone getting a fine. Not so much because of the mess and unsightly appearance but rather because it could cause damage to buried pipes and services. Also annoyingly you are not allowed to put stones or bollards there yourself and you'd be liable if a vehicle was damaged by such obstructions.

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Nothing you can do. Its a joke. the SCCl now look after all parking, the Police have no powers to ticket you for parking, its all been handed over to the SCC. They will only do the places where they make plenty of cash. we have yellow double yellow lines, folk park on them all day every day and the council will do nothing, the Police cant do anything. all this is not opinion its fact, we have an on going problem with it. the SCC statment is that they can only ticket double yellow lines that are cllear and in good condition and the Police say , nothing to do with us.

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i believe its not illegal to park on grass verges.its illegal to park on a grass verge if there are double yellow lines running along side the verge.its illegal to drive over a grass verge to access your drive/property.your not allowed to place anything in or on the verge ie stones,poles,chain link fencing etc.due to safety issues.streetforce informed me they can report persistant offenders to enforcement officer in the town hall but their main priority is to keep the verge safe from trips above 100mm and to keep mud off the footway.you can also raise this issue with your local community assembly at your area meetings.

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Does anybody know if its legal for cars to park in front of mine and others houses? As i always keep the grass verge cut and tidy and now its like a mud bath, i dont mind them parking in front of my house but i dont think its necessary for them to park with all 4 wheels on the grass verges. Any help???


Parking on verges is a pain, but as it belongs to the council it's up to them to do something about it.


Why dont you email parking services to discuss it.

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Surely the police would be interested in vehicles driving on the footway?


Driving on a pavement is against the law. Report cars parked on the pavement to the cops, they refer you to the council, complain to the council, they tell you to go to the cops. The cops say


"We have to witness it being driven over the pavement".




"Well, the car's on the pavement now, how do you think it got there, Chinook?"

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The byelaw making it illegal to park on grass verges was abolished over 15 years ago. I went through the same a while back and the council advised me they could do nothing apart from clean any mud off the pavement if it became a slip hazard.


If there is a persistent offence who is causing an obstruction then you have to report it to the police.

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