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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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Sometimes it cannot be avoided. The 60's council estates often have fairly narrow roads, as not so many people had cars then. Fast forward few decades, and almost all homes have one or two cars. I know it isn't ideal, but if cars didn't park on the grass verges and only on the road, the emergency vehicles would not be able to get through. It's a hard call. I am lucky I have a drive and garage. But I am often amazed that cars park on the 'wrong' side of the road, on a corner, and half on and off the pavement, all three from the same car!!!!

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If parking is an issue then it's up to the local residents to lobby the council for a solution. Get in touch with a local MP or councillor and make the complaint. I don't see why in these situations the verges canot be made into paarking bays, it would cut down on future maintainence of verges. If the residents don't want that ask for raised kerbs to stop the verge being destroyed. Either way, the only way to get a solution is to contact the council. I hate to see verges churned up to a mudbath but I also hate cars blocking footpaths too. If you can't park properly then find somewhere you can even if that means walking. I know that is a tall order for some drivers, walking. I can drive but I can also walk, I sometimes think that some car drivers would like all high street shops to become drive thru so that they don't have to ever get out of the car.

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There is a Sheffield company that make recycled plastic matrix's that can be laid in turfed areas and allows grass to grow through creating a dual purpose surface. I have to walk up muddied paths on Bawtry Road near to the Tinsley Junior School where residents with 4x4s have parked on the grass then spewed the sodden surface everywhere including paths, roads and windows.

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Anyone who prioritises the aesthetics of a grass verge by always parking on the road over allowing emergency services road access to save people lives is retarded.


There is another option, go and park where there is actually room for it.

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