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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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  • 7 months later...

For quite a while now, my neighbour has been using my grass verge next to the road to park on it and use it to cut the turn to their drive. Is this legal because the grass is starting to look a mess.


What are the legalities regarding all of this? Is there a name for the law (if there is one).


Please help.




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I'd imagine so, unless for some reason it is part of your property.

or obviously if there are double yellow lines.


I (occasionally) see people who've put large stones on their verge, probably to stop others doing that.


With it technically being part of the highway I doubt it's legal (but I doubt you'll ever get in trouble for it - how can they prove it was you???)

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I'd imagine so, unless for some reason it is part of your property.

or obviously if there are double yellow lines.


I (occasionally) see people who've put large stones on their verge, probably to stop others doing that.


With it technically being part of the highway I doubt it's legal (but I doubt you'll ever get in trouble for it - how can they prove it was you???)


I believe that people placing large stones are acting illegally (but I don't know the legislation/details - I may be wrong).


However, at the top of Stephen Hill there are a series of wooden posts stuck in the grass to prevent vehicles from parking on or driving over the verge. I presume these are official. It may be possible to ask SCC how to go about getting the same, if the poster wishes to go down that route.

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  • 7 months later...

To cut a long story short, our row of houses are set-back from the road which has a large grassy area in front of it. Our road has plenty of space to park and there is no need to park on the grass/in front of their houses. How would I go about getting to council to look into putting up bollards to stop the inconsiderate idiots (to put it kindly) driving on the grass and chewing up the grass.


Is it as simple as putting in a request and any additional evidence or would it just get refused without a look ?


I could ask him not to park how he does but to be totally honest, I don't want to waste my breath on him as it would be like talking to a concrete bollard.

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Try anyway. You never know.


I am going to later, there is a form on the SCC website which I can use to report issues with grass/planted areas but thought I would ask here too. I have got an ace up my sleeve which I'm going to use but can't mention on here just in case the big oaf read's this forum and finds the brain function to put two and two together ;)

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A lot of people edge the grass with white painted stones - it seems to discourage the parking louts.


Yeah, thought about that but I'd need quite big ones for that, he could still get his work van over them. I'd rather (hope) the council just install some concrete bollards.

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