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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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Had a run in already so I have to behave. We are moving soon so it will cease to be a problem. I don't think he is intelligent enough to realise that people could be offended by his behaviour. The kerb is inches high to prevent parking. I was thinking of buying a taxed wreck and leaving it on the verge on his side of the road before I go.

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Motorists parking their cars on grass verges in Sheffield will be

fined up to £70 if this law is approved by Sheffield Council.


Good or Bad ???




I agree with it.... as im a very anti-car kinda guy:D

but... i think verges that are:gag: should be made suitable to park on.

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Quite tactful of the council to slowly go through streets reducing the parking places available outside peoples own homes then comeing down on residents who no longer have anywhere else to park.Incidently,im sure the council dont give a monkeys about grass,but they will be rubbing their hands at the money they are likley to make from people trying to park near to their own homes.

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Yes, We could have some parking bays cut into the verges and that would look fine. No tyre tracks and mud. Or just ban households from owning more than one car?


Some of the worst offenders are parents dropping their offspring at school. They could park easily and walk the little dears 50 yards but they want to be right outside the school so they park on the mudflat that was once a verge.

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Yes, We could have some parking bays cut into the verges and that would look fine. No tyre tracks and mud. Or just ban households from owning more than one car?


Some of the worst offenders are parents dropping their offspring at school. They could park easily and walk the little dears 50 yards but they want to be right outside the school so they park on the mudflat that was once a verge.


Converting verges to parking bays isn't simple. Verges often house buried services like gas, electric, water and telecoms. To offer sufficient depth of protection, these services often have to be lowered, which, particularly in the case of telecoms (fibre optics) can be hugely expensive. This is why Councils generally don't want to convert verges.


There is allso the fact that verges are meant to be a visual amenity, making the place look a bit greener. Do we really need to tarmac over every bit of green so that we can have more and more cars?

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Converting verges to parking bays isn't simple. Verges often house buried services like gas, electric, water and telecoms. To offer sufficient depth of protection, these services often have to be lowered, which, particularly in the case of telecoms (fibre optics) can be hugely expensive. This is why Councils generally don't want to convert verges.


There is allso the fact that verges are meant to be a visual amenity, making the place look a bit greener. Do we really need to tarmac over every bit of green so that we can have more and more cars?


Maybe not but people DO want to park outside their own homes without yet another tax on it.

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A guy down the road from me parks his works van on the actual pavement because there are bollards in the grass verge, you can't get round it without going into the road.


Best thing is, he's got a drive !

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There is allso the fact that verges are meant to be a visual amenity, making the place look a bit greener. Do we really need to tarmac over every bit of green so that we can have more and more cars?


I can see the problem but we either have to limit the cars people have or find more places for them to park them. An extra 300 homes are being built two streets from where I live.


We have just gone from being a 2-car family to 1 car which means me catching the bus several times a week.

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It would be nice if people didn't park on verges but that is ok only in theory. In practise it is rather different as these verges were mostly put there when there were nowhere near as many cars around and so it is frustrating when people can't park outside their own homes. Inevitably Planner1 comes up with objections due to cost but surely if people are already parking on verges, the services are at risk anyway and it would be prudent to protect them..

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