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Parking on grass verges MEGATHREAD

Grass verges. To park or not to park ?  

93 members have voted

  1. 1. Grass verges. To park or not to park ?

    • Only idiots park on grass verges.
    • Go for it, let the traffic flow !
    • Blame the bus drivers who cant negotiate the gap.

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I think its going to be very funny when they un-leash this one .


Just for a laugh we aught to all (everyone who has to park on grass) do what they want for 1 day and see the streets come to a stand still.


do it on a bin collection day :D or watch out of the window when they need to put a fire out.


If the council had brains instead of accountants ...

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Motorists parking their cars on grass verges in Sheffield will be

fined up to £70 if this law is approved by Sheffield Council.


Good or Bad ???





If part of the £70.00 fine is used to create small lay bye's whose specification offers protection to the service pipes it will assist in solving a self created problem which as the years go by will only get worse.


Probably local inspectors could be employed working over night, to locate those who infringe the new bye law and check if the vehicles are taxed and insured along with reporting any street lighting problems.


The £70.00 penalty plus addition road taxation collected would make this public service self financing.

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A guy down the road from me parks his works van on the actual pavement because there are bollards in the grass verge, you can't get round it without going into the road.


Best thing is, he's got a drive !


God I hate people like that! If I had the luxury of my own drive there's no way I'd be on the road! Is the name of the company displayed on the van?


We've got neighbours who have a drive but park a car and a van on the road, and you know how limited parking is round these parts, so that doesn't go down very well at all.

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So, should my landlord move another tenant in who owns a vehicle, which one of us isn't allowed to own our car? And why?

Of course not. You just shouldn't be allowed to own a car until you have bought a house. The landlord should be made to organise a car sharing scheme for his tenents. Perhaps the person with the smallest room gets most use of the car.

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Of course not. You just shouldn't be allowed to own a car until you have bought a house. The landlord should be made to organise a car sharing scheme for his tenents. Perhaps the person with the smallest room gets most use of the car.


Ha ha! I hope your tongue was in your cheek there.

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