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Poems: 'A Little Anthology.'


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I was looking through some of my old schoolbooks - always a source of great amusement for my kids - and discovered there used to be a bit of a poet in me after all!


So I thought I'd upload a few of my old poems for your delectation. Please bear in mind I would have been little more than about 13 years old when I wrote them. The schoolbooks are so musty I think I'm going to have to throw them away :gag:


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I confess I haven't been reading this section very much of late, and have quite a few recent contributions yet to read on the WG Server.


I couldn't resist reading your poems this afternoon though, sauerkraut, and I liked them very much indeed.


I'm having problems getting the "Clementine" tune out of my mind now!


Thanks Ron Blanco! (Not)!:help::hihi:

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Thank you shoeshine, glad you liked them.


By the way the fudge in the poem should not have been left alone because it was still cooking, resulting in a seismic magma explosion over the sides of the pan leaving an irremovable caremalised sugary deposit all over the new ceramic hob. We clearly need another verse.


Tum ti tum-tum, tum ti tum-tum, tum-ti tum, ti tum-ti-tum....

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Good ones SK.

A child prodigy, Eh!?


I'm having problems getting the "Clementine" tune out of my mind now!


I also had trouble getting the tune from my mind; SS, so I went back and read it to the beat of “subterranean homesick blues” believe me; not for the faint hearted, stick to Clementine.

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Good ones SK.

A child prodigy, Eh!?




I also had trouble getting the tune from my mind; SS, so I went back and read it to the beat of “subterranean homesick blues” believe me; not for the faint hearted, stick to Clementine.


I took time out later this afternoon to have a look on your website again, coyleys. :)


That cured the "Clementine" obsession immediately. :hihi:

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I was looking through some of my old schoolbooks - always a source of great amusement for my kids - and discovered there used to be a bit of a poet in me after all!


So I thought I'd upload a few of my old poems for your delectation. Please bear in mind I would have been little more than about 13 years old when I wrote them. The schoolbooks are so musty I think I'm going to have to throw them away :gag:




Enjoyed reading these SK.

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Enjoyed reading these SK.


Thank you, pattricia. It was fun finding them again!


Not too sure about coyleys child prodigy comment, tho. Aren't prodigies supposed to go on to ever greater and higher things? I don't think I could claim my poetry has made much progress in the past 30 years!


Thanks for reminding me about coyleys website, shoeshine. I've not looked at that in a while so might go and have a nose around there now... :)

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