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It looks a bit intimidating

You can say that again.

It looks a bit intimidating


I’ve not come across that one before, so it’s gone on the favourites, and study it later.

I’ve visited loads of poetry sites, some good, some not so good, why don’t they explain in layman’s terms? After all we are not all post grad’s.


“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

William Arthur Ward.


Last year I read “The Ode Less Travelled, Stephen Fry” excellent book.

His opening line was “I have a dark and dreadful secret. I write poetry” A must read.:thumbsup:

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I’ve not come across that one before, so it’s gone on the favourites, and study it later.


Sad person that I am I've printed it out to peruse at my leisure. But he does have the annoying habit of asking questions which he doesn't answer so it isn't always helpful :mad:


By searching Amazon for the title on the offchance I came up with Poetry for Dummies which looks more user friendly (tho probably American). No idea if it's any good. I'll have to see if I can get hold of your Stephen Fry recommendation some time. Or just forget about "rules" altogether as Phaedrus and his "borrowed" poem so rightly suggest :)

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Poetry for Dummies, sounds just up my street, so I have ordered it.

Now and again, one does come up with interesting bits of info, the likes of….


Proparoxytone is a linguistic term for a word with stress on the antepenultimate syllable, and not as some may believe, the paroxytone or oxytone syllable. :huh:


Well! Chuffin hell, and after all these years here’s me thinking the former was the latter, whenever I make a silly little mistake like this

“it r’eight puts me abart“ :rant:

And so I will conclude this post with whole heartedly agreeing with…..


Or just forget about "rules" altogether as Phaedrus and his "borrowed" poem so rightly suggest :)
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