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Carling Academy Sheffield


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Has it opened now? I saw the inside a few days ago and it still looked like a building site.




Opened last night. Builders seemed to be leaving at past 6pm, and it opened at 7ish (tickets said 6.30, so maybe REALLY leaving it til last minute).

Carling was £2.95, VK Vodka bottles were £2.95. Didn't buy any different drinks so don't know prices for owt else.

Loads of staff behind the bar, but seemed to be tripping over each other, not knowing exactly what to do. I'm guessing that quite a few of them are inexperienced bar staff, so they can only can only get better. Still thought nearly half hour to get a pint (well 2 cos was gagging by then!) was a bit excessive.



As for Reverend, they were better than I expected as I like them, but not their biggest fans. Heavyweight Champion of the World was fantastic, which I did expect to be good. I was suprised by the song "he said he loved me". I think it's a naff cheesy song, but it was really really good live.


One of the things I do wonder lately is why is there always a group of stoned/drunk lads who have NO interest in any of the bands, shouting to each other, chanting footy songs and generally acting like tossers? At least the security chucked a few of them out last night.

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I would just like to come on SF and report that the Carling Academy is bloody excellent.


The beer seems to be pub prices and not expensive like I was fearing.


The PA sound is very good. Recently many larger live venues I have visited have had rubbish sound, often the vocals are lost in the rest of the guitars sound, especially at the Leadmill and the Manchester Apollo. Non of this here, plenty of headroom on the vocals crisp powerful sound.


Inside the venue is just like Roxy used to be although you can not wander upstairs and downstairs, the two floors are segregated.


The amount of bars in this venue is as many as the Roxy had, and that is loads. At first it took a while to get served, but new staff, new tills and new pumps, I'm sure they will get quicker after afew nights.


The stage is quite large and you get a great view of the band from the whole of the ground floor and because the "auditorium" is not walled in like a traditional concert theatre, you can see the band right from the bar areas at the edges of the building.


We like! :)

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I really didn't know what to expect of it having never been in before, but it's a good venue. Not as big as I thought but, even though we only stuck to one spot, it seems like you can get a good view from where ever, and the balcony seemed better than I expected. I reckon it'll be a good venue for a club too.


I liked how it was sold out at full capacity yet it still wasn't too crowded - I know that's part of the experience but I tend to not enjoy gigs as much if I'm being bashed about by some drunken/stoned lout or people who think they can leave the spot to get another drink and get their place back right at the front.


Like muddycoffee has said, good sound too, but then again we were right in front of a block of speakers...


When I got in and saw the place, I was more excited at seeing The Human League there next week rather than the gig last night (even though I enjoyed it immensely in the end!) - I can't wait to get right up to the front and have a dance!

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I was there. Didn't show until almost the end of the second support act (who was dire btw). I couldn't believe the amount of security. I passed SIX security people before being allowed in to the venue, one of which was on frisking duties!


Once inside, it wasn't all that bad and the high ceiling meant that it didn't get too hot - also helped by an impressive air con system. As for the stage, it was quite large and there was a decent view even from the very back of the venue. As a club venue, I think it'll work incredibly well and as a gig venue, well Sheffield's been calling out for something like this for quite a while - The Plug did shows signs of running the gaunlet but that appears to have dropped off in the past year.


As for the Reverend, well I'm not a massive fan but was intrigued to see what all the fuss was about and to be fair, they were very good. My only real complaint has already been mentioned - the drunk blokes starting to do football chanting (I was reminded of Morrissey gigs i've been to - only diff being the blokes there last night were just being idiots rather than actually avid fans). Plus, what was it with the number of pretentious 'in crowd' types wandering around and literally crashing into people!!??


Anyway, I've got a couple more gigs there next week and early next month, plus I'm interested to see what the Transmission night is going to be like?

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Plus, what was it with the number of pretentious 'in crowd' types wandering around and literally crashing into people!!??


There's always some at a Reverend gig, there's more and more of them at each one. The one they did in Barnsley a couple of months ago was mostly those kind of people, who'd just come cos they'd managed to get last minute tickets to the latest 'coolest' band. In fact, there's always a few at gigs of Sheffield bands, they're just hoping to find the next Arctic Monkeys.

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i've heard a lot of good and bad things about Roxy but im wondering what its like now its reopened as the Carling Academy. Are the drinks really quite expensive? Is it a good place to try out if you're in the 18-20 age range? What sort of music does it play now?

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