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Story: 'Near Misses: All in a day's work.'


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I hope you are saving all these fantastic stories for the Great……..Grandkids.


Falls, your stories always put me in mind of my own kids when they gather round their grandad and demand "Tell us about the time when..." and "Tell us the story about..."


There's something so compelling about real-life stories told by someone who was there. And you certainly seem to have had more than your fair share of adventure!

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Thanks for a very interesting story. People who wonder why I refuse to get on an airoplane should read this. Is it fiction Falls or a true story?




Thanks for the comment. I'm affraid that it was all true.


As to events at Frankfurt before we left, I was in the first twenty or thirty people to get called down to identify my bag and they had already two people emptying the contents of their bags onto a table but they kept on searching after I went on board so I have no idea how many, if any they arrested. People who came on to the plane much later had different stories. Some said two, others said four. Take your pick.


As to the near-miss in the air. The least said about that the better.



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Hello Falls,


That was interesting. I think I would definitely regard the near mid-air collision as a close shave. Given the Vincennes incident you mentioned were you also conscious of the risk of being shot down by Americans?


I also liked this observation:


"...the search and possible detention of several people was a hot topic among the other passengers while we were waiting to leave: people who otherwise would have remained strangers to one another throughout the flight. "


I notice this when I am travelling on the train. It often takes some kind of incident to get people talking but once they've started they tend to carry on chatting about all sorts of things. I sometimes wonder whether transport providers should contrive such incidents on each journey to create a more sociable experience.

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Hello Falls,


That was interesting. I think I would definitely regard the near mid-air collision as a close shave. Given the Vincennes incident you mentioned were you also conscious of the risk of being shot down by Americans?.


Hi Ron,


I made my last flight out of the Persian Gulf area (Iran) in September, 2003.


By that time, the fighting in Afghanistan was in full swing and Iraq had been invaded -supposedly looking for the mythical Weapons of Mass Destruction (or was it Mass Confusion).


Former colleagues who have been in the area more recently say they fear being shot down, or bombed by You-Know-Who far more than anything the Taliban/Al-Qeda might try.


This isn't a new problem. Speak to any ex-servicemen from WWII or Korea.




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