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Young drivers driving me mad!

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Time for a Saturday rant it seems.


I am sick of the recently passed young darlings who are barely out of their first heartbreak, outbreak of acne and pregnancy scare, who now feel really, really, really grown up because Daddy has handed them the keys to a lovely little Green Saxo. In they get and vroooooooom watch out the rest of us.


They have to have the window down so that the rest of us think they are really cool for like, driving, and like, listening to really cool music, at like, the same time man. But this disorientates them and they swerve into wing mirrors like it's a new x-box game!


They have to drive really fast the whole five metres until they screech up behind the traffic jam, then fiddle with the cd player and vroooooom up to the traffic jam again. And god forbid when they've got mates in and they have to like, drive and like listen to really cool music, and like, talk to their dudes, man. Then they are like toddlers overdosing on Fruit Shoots.


Slow down, drive well and wait for your next pregnancy scare. You know it makes sense.

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I am sick of the recently passed young darlings who are barely out of their first heartbreak, outbreak of acne and pregnancy scare, who now feel really, really, really grown up because Daddy has handed them the keys to a lovely little Green Saxo. In they get and vroooooooom watch out the rest of us.


They have to have the window down so that the rest of us think they are really cool for like, driving, and like, listening to really cool music, at like, the same time man. But this disorientates them and they swerve into wing mirrors like it's a new x-box game!


They have to drive really fast the whole five metres until they screech up behind the traffic jam, then fiddle with the cd player and vroooooom up to the traffic jam again. And god forbid when they've got mates in and they have to like, drive and like listen to really cool music, and like, talk to their dudes, man. Then they are like toddlers overdosing on Fruit Shoots.


Those are the ones you notice, you won't notice the majority of them whose driving is ok.
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Ha I know what you mean I was behind a car full the other day who thought it was great to wave woolly hats out the window whilst blasting stomach churning vibrating crap out the windows for some unknown reason:gag:


Its very off putting when you think your cars going to be shook to pieces with the vibration while you have the mishap to be stuck behind them in a queue:hihi:

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