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Young drivers driving me mad!

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It's the semi-prone driving position that gets me, or is that so last year?
Yes that is annoying, I was passed by a car on the motorway where the driver was looking out of the rear side window behind the door pillar and only the top half of his face was visible. No way can he be in full control or see everything like that. He just looked like a complete d***.
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It's the semi-prone driving position that gets me, or is that so last year?


I think that it's semi-supine actually. Prone is on your front and the steering wheel would make that awfully uncomfortable.


Sorry for being a pedant and all that.

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not forgetting the n*bheads on scooters, slowing right down to talk to their mates regardless of traffic, texting while riding, wheelies with their mates on the back in the local park and general bad driving. God I love my motorbike...

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Time for a Saturday rant it seems.


I am sick of the recently passed young darlings who are barely out of their first heartbreak, outbreak of acne and pregnancy scare, who now feel really, really, really grown up because Daddy has handed them the keys to a lovely little Green Saxo. In they get and vroooooooom watch out the rest of us.


They have to have the window down so that the rest of us think they are really cool for like, driving, and like, listening to really cool music, at like, the same time man. But this disorientates them and they swerve into wing mirrors like it's a new x-box game!


They have to drive really fast the whole five metres until they screech up behind the traffic jam, then fiddle with the cd player and vroooooom up to the traffic jam again. And god forbid when they've got mates in and they have to like, drive and like listen to really cool music, and like, talk to their dudes, man. Then they are like toddlers overdosing on Fruit Shoots.


Slow down, drive well and wait for your next pregnancy scare. You know it makes sense.


I will agree with you they are pains in the rear end, but there are good young drivers the ones that get to me are the one's who dress there cars up as High Performance Rally Cars, with the 4 inch exhausts ( that make more noise than a low flying jet)

I have just returned from Orkney got of the ferry at Gills Bay near John O'groats back to Inverness at least 6 of thease people with their go faster cars.

2 got Knicked for speeding and one finished up in the Dornoch Firth.

He was ok, but his car was history I must admit there was a rye smile on my face after I knew the driver was safe.

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I must admit to being a complete pain in the backside when I was a youth - I drove a Rover Metro extremely recklessly but which was made to look as much of an old biddies car as possible. Me and my Brother had even got a tartan blanket over the backseat and an RSPB sticker in the window.


This did not detract from the fact that the boot was loaded with two 12" subs and a Rockford Fosgate punch amp and it made a fearsome sound where ever we did travel. Many's the time we cruised past a gaggle of old dears on their way to collect their pensions and slipped in some raucous rap music to blast the leathery old puffins with killer bass. I'm sure at least one aged love thought that the Luftwaffe were back for another go.


Now I drive like I'm driving Miss Daisy. I'm a considerate soul who pootles along at the speed limit and will even wave in the occasional driver ....... It's just a case of having one's nuts drop and realising that the roads are not our personal playground but in fact have others using them as well.

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many of the young ones are just over confident and try to show off a little. They drive a littel more aggressive and dont think of any conseqences of their actions. But we can all build a list such as the 20MPH OAP who has no idea of who or what is aroudn them, similarly to the school run mum who again wears blinkers and clueless that mirrors are attached to the car. then we have the white van man who is aggressive and rude and the taxi driver who pulls up anywhere and everywhere without indicating....... :)

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I must admit to being a complete pain in the backside when I was a youth - I drove a Rover Metro extremely recklessly but which was made to look as much of an old biddies car as possible. Me and my Brother had even got a tartan blanket over the backseat and an RSPB sticker in the window.


This did not detract from the fact that the boot was loaded with two 12" subs and a Rockford Fosgate punch amp and it made a fearsome sound where ever we did travel. Many's the time we cruised past a gaggle of old dears on their way to collect their pensions and slipped in some raucous rap music to blast the leathery old puffins with killer bass. I'm sure at least one aged love thought that the Luftwaffe were back for another go.

Now I drive like I'm driving Miss Daisy. I'm a considerate soul who pootles along at the speed limit and will even wave in the occasional driver ....... It's just a case of having one's nuts drop and realising that the roads are not our personal playground but in fact have others using them as well.


Plenty of laughs as usual, SV!:thumbsup:

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