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Anyone go to the Gregg School in Broomhill 1952/1955?


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I remember that big black Humber very well. I always thought it resembled a Chicago gangster's car from the 1930s. Anyway it went hand in hand with his

overblown ego and I'm sure that if he could have afforded it he would have had a uniformed chauffeur to drive it around (He and Mrs Arnold waving graciously to all and sundry from the back seat).


Had a good laugh over Mr Shanks doing a bunk with the funds. I remember him well too. Short statured balding guy with glasses and a moustache. Dressed in a dark pin striped suit. He looked more like an insurance agent than a school teacher. His daughter Heather was a pupil at the school while I was there. Didn't know the son.

There was a Mr Smith who taught art. Like Shanks bald and bespectacled but sort of dried up looking like an old prune. Had a wooden leg and had lived in Cyprus for many years. My mother who was a nurse remarked once on meeting Mrs Arnold that she looked like someone who had heart problems. Guess that was a false assumption in light of accounts that she could put the gin away.

I didn't like French much either but years later I was grateful to Mr Rankin.

When I met my future wife who is French she couldn't speak a word of English at the time so the French I had learned came in more than useful in helping the lovelorn young suitor along in his amorous pursuit.


The young Form 1 tutor you mention was Sylvia Watson. She was blond and very glamorous (we boys all thought). Mr Arnold humiliated her quite badly one time during one of her classes but cant remember the details, just the memory of her casting her eyes up to the ceiling with an expression of mental suffering and despair. You mentioned Barry Bolton. He was in my class but the name is more familiar than the face. The class snitch was a fellow named Raymond Blackburn. He had a slight rabbit like nose twitch and the teacher always called him out front to keep an eye on us if he had to leave the classroom unexpectedly. Raymond would stand there clutching his piece of chalk and if he spotted anyone whispering would write the offenders name up on the board for teech to see upon his return

Head girl was Betty Roper and head boy, Barry Moss. His parents had a grocers shop next to Ecclesfield church.

I left the school at the end of the 1955 term so you and I must have seen each other as the school wasn't that big. I was 15 then so probably in a more senior class than yours.


After we moved down south I was enrolled at the Gregg school in Croydon. That was an awful place and one year behind the class I had just left in Sheffield. The teachers were useless and came and went like customers through the revolving doors at Harrods. I got ragged because of my Sheffield accent and my short temper at the time got me into a lot of fights and trouble as a result.


I was always grateful to my parents however for making the efforts to better my education. They were far from well off and they had to make financial sacrifices to put me though those schools. Anyway happy to say it wasn't all wasted as I have done quite well out of life.

I too was in Barry Bolton's class, and now recall the gorgeous Miss Watson. I was there 1954-1957(ish) and spent almost as much time on detention as in class, but detentions of course were Dickie's cheap labour pool!! If you haven't already been there there are photos on friends reunited and contacts if you want them. I have fond memories of the school outings, the swimming galas at the Rising Sun in Bamford, the cross country run from the Surprise, I wagged it to go to Leeds and get tickets for Bill Haley(We had a drawto see who could go as there were only twelve i believe)and going to the concert itself. Going back to the match against Hull in which I played, i thought the parting of the ways was because their dressing room was rifled. I played in Hull and had some of the best fish and chips ever there, Dickie used a bank opposite the Cutlers Hall and I went down there several times for him. Why me I don't know, but he wasn't too keen on me as my dad was invariably late paying the fees!!!

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I too was in Barry Bolton's class, and now recall the gorgeous Miss Watson. I was there 1954-1957(ish) and spent almost as much time on detention as in class, but detentions of course were Dickie's cheap labour pool!! If you haven't already been there there are photos on friends reunited and contacts if you want them. I have fond memories of the school outings, the swimming galas at the Rising Sun in Bamford, the cross country run from the Surprise, I wagged it to go to Leeds and get tickets for Bill Haley(We had a drawto see who could go as there were only twelve i believe)and going to the concert itself. Going back to the match against Hull in which I played, i thought the parting of the ways was because their dressing room was rifled. I played in Hull and had some of the best fish and chips ever there, Dickie used a bank opposite the Cutlers Hall and I went down there several times for him. Why me I don't know, but he wasn't too keen on me as my dad was invariably late paying the fees!!!


Yes, would like to see the photos and contacts. Please send PM


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I attended greggs from 1956 to 1961 (approx).Dick Arnold drove a mark7 Jag.We used to throw the old firelighters during Ron Shirt's lessons.I recall that he eventually left to go into a mental home!(well he had no control over the class)Names I recall include:Penny Brooksbank,Cathy Ekin,Paul Whittingham,John Tetchner(I still owe him some money!),Geoff Granger(NOGGER),Glyn Atkinson,Micheal Houchin,Robert & Rosemary Reid & many more.

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I attended greggs from 1956 to 1961 (approx).Dick Arnold drove a mark7 Jag.We used to throw the old firelighters during Ron Shirt's lessons.I recall that he eventually left to go into a mental home!(well he had no control over the class)Names I recall include:Penny Brooksbank,Cathy Ekin,Paul Whittingham,John Tetchner(I still owe him some money!),Geoff Granger(NOGGER),Glyn Atkinson,Micheal Houchin,Robert & Rosemary Reid & many more.




I left end of term 1955. I've mentioned quite a few teachers and pupils on this thread but another teacher comes to mind, a Mr Green. Probably long gone before you started. Forget what subject he took but he always had a large glass of water on his desk and took large gulps from it during his discourses. He also had a habit of striding up and down in front of the class in something that resembled a goose step with his hands tucked behind his coat lapels. Kept us all in stitches. Have fond memories of my favorite teacher the lovely Sylvia Watson.


Dick Arnold used to drive a big black Humber Super Snipe in my days. Gues he must have been going through a mid life crisis if he traded that in for a MK 7 Jag.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I came across a couple of threads a while back (this is one of them) that mention Barry Bolton who is a good friend, so I printed them off to show him and he was really pleased as it brought back some good memories.


I saw him again yesterday and he would love to know how everyone is getting on and also he is trying to get in touch with


Jose Salleh

Mary Bolton

Ann Chamberlain

Kath MacKay.


Can anyone help please?


Edited by Grahame
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  • 9 months later...
I attended greggs from 1956 to 1961 (approx).Dick Arnold drove a mark7 Jag.We used to throw the old firelighters during Ron Shirt's lessons.I recall that he eventually left to go into a mental home!(well he had no control over the class)Names I recall include:Penny Brooksbank,Cathy Ekin,Paul Whittingham,John Tetchner(I still owe him some money!),Geoff Granger(NOGGER),Glyn Atkinson,Micheal Houchin,Robert & Rosemary Reid & many more.


Just found out that John Tetchner died back in 1999.Robert Reid should have read Christopher Reid.

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Just found out that John Tetchner died back in 1999.Robert Reid should have read Christopher Reid.


My friend Barry Bolton went there. He is about 68 now, so I'm not sure if he was there the same time as you.


Sorry, just read your post, you weren't there yourself then?



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I came across a couple of threads a while back (this is one of them) that mention Barry Bolton who is a good friend, so I printed them off to show him and he was really pleased as it brought back some good memories.


I saw him again yesterday and he would love to know how everyone is getting on and also he is trying to get in touch with


Jose Salleh

Mary Bolton

Ann Chamberlain

Kath MacKay.


Can anyone help please?



The name Barry Bolton rings a bell with me. Did he got to Greggs anytime during the years 1952-1955 ?

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