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Anyone go to the Gregg School in Broomhill 1952/1955?


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If its the same guy, he had a sex change about 1980. Last time I saw him he was known as Rita and had been arrested for prostitution whilst living in Venice.


"Oh no - say it isn't true"

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Was the English teacher Mr Humphries whose wife also taught there? And can you remember the name of the teacher(maths I believe) who had a terrible time in our class at least. He wore blue suits and had black boots as I recall, and no discipline and was assaulted by one of the pupils one day. He was a nice man but unsuited to our age group. I notice Roger Sherwood retired the other day if you remember him.


I was in Mr Humphries' form around 58/59. One day Tricky Dicky held a class inspection, decided he didn't like the standard of writing in some of the English work books and had what he considered to be the worst offenders pinned up to the blackboard. After he'd gone, Humphries walks in, sees the books and asks the question why? On being told, he stalked off to see RA and on his return said, "I have told Mr Arnold that I am only concerned with the quality of the work not the handwriting," and the books were removed in short order. A top man. And yes his wife, who was German, taught geography. They moved to Bradford at the end of the 59 summer term.


The maths teacher you are thinking of was Mr Pearson. If memory serves he arrived at the start of the 56/57 year. I was in Form 3 at the time, which was then in the old stable building at the back of the assembly hall. Mr Pearson took us for maths and RA decided to sit in on one of his lessons. Poor old Pearson was a bag of nerves and eventually fainted. After he had been attended to, RA proceeded to rush around the room testing for possible carbon monoxide poisoning, though leaving us all sitting there while he did so!


I was in the same year as Roger Sherwood, all the way through from Form 1 to Form 5, thought he had retired years ago. Must be over 20 years since his salon over looking the old Hole in the Road closed.

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I remember Mr Arnold, Mr Rankin, Jock Sutherland and Shanks but none of the other teachers you mentioned. I think there was a pretty high turnover of teachers at that school the cause being that the pay wasn't all that good. Mrs Arnold was also a teacher there when I attended and sometimes the daughter Jessica subbed for a teacher if he or she was out. Arnold used to smoke his head off most of the time. I was in his office once and he lit up a fag and still had one going in the ashtray. The art teacher was a Mr Smith a little old bald headed man with a wooden leg. Had lived in Cyprus for some years and used to tell us about life there. Some of us used to go down to the Botanical Gardens during lunch time and tear around the paths making a racket, Someone compalined about us and the whole school was assembled and Arnold looking very grave announced that henceforth the gardens were out of bounds. Luckily for us he didn't push the issue far enough to try to find out who the culprits were. There was a Mrs Thompson who taught algebra. A real old cow. I was a bit thick on that subject and she started to pick on me. This graduated to making remarks about my Yorkshire accent trying to correct my pronunciation so that I would talk like somebody posh. Put up with it for a while but then lost it one day and yelled out "Course I bloody well speak with a Sheffield accent. I was born here and that's how we all talk at home". A trip to Arnolds office followed shortly after. But it did the trick. She never bothered me again after that.

I left in 1955 because we moved down south. I was enrolled in the Gregg school in Croydon just outside London. What a dunp that was. Their curriculum was about one year behind Sheffield Gregg. I stuck it out for one year then left and got a job.

Some students names I remember. Terry Wibberley, Peter Snell, Thomas Mclaughlin, Mary Earnshaw, Roger Newton, Richard Storrie,

Eileen Ellis (parents had a little shop at the top of Broomhill), Pat Nisbet. May ring a bell if you were there 54/55.


Yes I remember Eileen a really nice girl but wasn't the shop in Crookes. also Rita Banks and her sidekick -

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...............I think Angela lives locally, I saw her recently at Morrisons Meadowhead. She had a look of Kathy Kirby as a teenager!


yes,now you mention it,she did look like K.K.This thread has now raised a question!Would I recognise people that I have not seen for nigh on 50 years?We have all aged,obviously!Some I have seen 2/3 times since those days and I would recognise them in the street but others I have not seen and I have my doubts!!!!

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Does anyone remember Mrs Costigan who worked in the "kitchen"

Getting a sick note to excuse me from hockey. I was given the job of cleaning the Arnold's wallpaper in their dining room - that's a double wammy paid fees and then had to give free labour.

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I was in Mr Humphries' form around 58/59. One day Tricky Dicky held a class inspection, decided he didn't like the standard of writing in some of the English work books and had what he considered to be the worst offenders pinned up to the blackboard. After he'd gone, Humphries walks in, sees the books and asks the question why? On being told, he stalked off to see RA and on his return said, "I have told Mr Arnold that I am only concerned with the quality of the work not the handwriting," and the books were removed in short order. A top man. And yes his wife, who was German, taught geography. They moved to Bradford at the end of the 59 summer term.


The maths teacher you are thinking of was Mr Pearson. If memory serves he arrived at the start of the 56/57 year. I was in Form 3 at the time, which was then in the old stable building at the back of the assembly hall. Mr Pearson took us for maths and RA decided to sit in on one of his lessons. Poor old Pearson was a bag of nerves and eventually fainted. After he had been attended to, RA proceeded to rush around the room testing for possible carbon monoxide poisoning, though leaving us all sitting there while he did so!


I was in the same year as Roger Sherwood, all the way through from Form 1 to Form 5, thought he had retired years ago. Must be over 20 years since his salon over looking the old Hole in the Road closed.


Now I recall Mrs Humphries. Mr Pearson was a really nice bloke. Roger who was very well regarded in the hairdressing world had a salon in Bakewell, and did very well too I believe. I cannot for the life of me remember if Roger was in the same class as me or if it was breaktime etc that we got together. I remember the old stable area and especially one day when three or four of us turned up with luminous violent coloured nylon socks and sat at the front with our feet out on display. Another visit to Dickie enhanced by the prescence of Mr Sutherland!!!

If Annbie is reading this I was the boy who went to Leeds to get the tickets for Bill Haley!!

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Reprobates might be the word you were looking for:D:D


I went to a few schools, I have to say that Gregg was by far the worst. I look back on it as a complete waste.Second rate teachers, lousy facilities a very wierd place.


Did anyone who went there acheive anything?

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