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De-frag problems


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Hi sneaks, I had the same problem last year and a few days later the hard drive died.

So I would back up any important files just as a precaution.


The only reel thing i would need if the hard drive did die is a copy of microsoft xp home edition

as i do not have the disc. Bought this comp from pc world with it all ready on and did not get the program disc. Can i somehow get a copy off this comp or what could i do if it did die. I have a external hard drive, or would i just have to buy another copy of xp if it did die.

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The only reel thing i would need if the hard drive did die is a copy of microsoft xp home edition

as i do not have the disc. Bought this comp from pc world with it all ready on and did not get the program disc. Can i somehow get a copy off this comp or what could i do if it did die. I have a external hard drive, or would i just have to buy another copy of xp if it did die.


PC World should supply you with a copy of the recovery CDs if you tell them the make/model/part number and serial number of the PC, there will be a charge of course and they may want proof of purchase - although this shouldn't be needed as all their machines have unique serial numbers. For some machines, eg Packard Bell, I think you can get recovery CDs directly from the manufacturer.


Have you tried off-loading some of your biggest files to your external drive to free up some space on your hard drive ? As simonj says, defrag needs a hefty amount of room to operate. Try to make free space of 25%.

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dont you have better things to do than defragging your drive? it is quite pointless.


according to the last microsoft course I went on, an NTFS based system will lose roughly 10% of it's performance per year through fragmentation, that was for server systems though, workstations might be slightly better or slightly worse depending on usage but your performance still degrades as the disk fragments


now your PC may be so powerful that a 10% performance hit per year is negligible and you replace the pc before it gets to the point of being noticable, but mine sure as hell isn't


so pointless for you, perhaps, but I wouldn't presume to say it was pointless for the rest of us


one possible way of defragmenting the drive if it's a bit reluctant is to make an image backup of the entire C: drive and then restore it, you'll need something like Ghost or Acronis Trueimage to do this though


plus there's the added benefit of having a backup

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