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Living in cellars


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In the 60's, many houses had immigrants living in every room in the house, when I was a coalman, we tipped coal down a cellar grate in Tinsley, there was a lot of yelling going on, then some immigrants came out and abused us, they were sleeping in the cellar & we had poured coal on them, we had got the wrong address, ha ha.

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I don't know abt living in them, but I do know that during WW2 the cellars in many of the homes on the street where my grandparents lived, Talbot Place, were connected and my grandparents' cellar functioned as an air raid shelter. As a baby I was hustled down there on many an occasion, so I was told.

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Yes, it was fairly common especially where larger old houses were rented out. My childhood years were spent living in a cellar kitchen and sleeping in an attic bedroom. For many young couples starting married life this was the only alternative when social housing was hard to come by and buying was out of the question. In the area we lived there were other families who shared houses in this way.

The house we lived in had four floors. My grandmother and uncle lived on the ground floor and first floor, my mum and dad had the cellar kitchen and attic bedrooms. I was 11 years old when my parents finally got their own house.

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