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Living in cellars


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As you say mixeduptoo, it was quite common in the 40's,50's and 60's for families or single people to rent a room in one of the big houses that were around the Sheffield area at that time, I knew of many that did that whilst waiting on the council's housing list.

Mind you, some of the houses to rent in those days were only one up and one down & housed some quite large families, thinking back, it must have been awful for some, especially pensioners, as not many people had TV in those days, so looking at 4 walls everyday must have driven them nuts.

A Jamaican bloke that I worked with many years ago, bought a house on Burngreave Road with his brother, rented every room out, then bought the neighbouring house, I don't think they stopped there, it was a very profitable bussiness in those days.

It was not uncommon for 40 people to share a small house in some suburbs, some even shared beds as they worked different shifts, at least they got to sleep in a warm bed, others slept in sleeping bags, not sure how they went on at the weekends.

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I was brought up in Mushroom Lane, Sheffield 3 which was a street of terraced houses, some back-to-back and also some larger houses where families rented off rooms and some lived in cellar kitchens. These cellars opened out onto the gardens/yards (they weren't just a dark cellar with a hole in the ceiling for coal to drop through!) and presumably in more affluent times were used as washrooms etc by maybe servants.

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Mushroom Lane does run between the two parks from the museum down to the main road, but then continues across and used to go right down to what we used to call the 'olla' (hollow.) Winter Street hospital is on the corner and there were terraced houses all the way down with about four little corner shops - oh them were t'days!

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Cellars, poorest.....yer must be jokin'. When I warra lad we were too poor t' live in a cellar, we lived in an oyle UNDER t' cellar an' thowt we were lucky.


:hihi:Eey by gum,you musta bin posh t'av cellar,when i worra lad we lived under neighbours dustbin lid an oped summday we could upgrade t'an oyle.mind we were'nt to bad off,at least wi lived next t' bin and cud av a few scraps...../eyup owd pal ow are ye/....:wave:

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My mom and dad an 'us 14 kids were on t'Council waitin' list for ovver 26 years befoor they gie us a cellar to live in.


We used to live in an owld telephone box near t'Midland Station. I'll nivver forget them train whistles keepin' us awake at neet. An' them bloody nuisances wantin' to use t' phone were a pain in t' backside an ' all. In fact I've still GOT bruises in me backside to this day !

[ Photographs available on request ].

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:hihi:Midland station! ,telephone box!,...yer mean y'actually ad ouse wi windows an a door that oppened,all them visitors,all them kids t'keep yer warm yer own central 'eatin' system,an a telephone t boot,ad never sin one til a were a teenager!we were only up rooad from yore jus pas Rutland n'all,yer musta bin posher than t'other bloke who lived in an'oyle:hihi:

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