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Anyone Remember the old 2 1/2p Piece?


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I remember the coin - our local shop used to sell mojo's, black jacks and fruit salads for 2 for a penny!!


If I went in with this coin the old lady would only let me buy 5 sweets but if her hubby was serving he would let me have 6!!!




Nice little story...


We used to find loads of these on the pavement along with other copper coins when I was a kid. Then one day my Dad told me a old man who lived alone a few doors away visited the pub every evening would always drop his loose change on the pavement on purpose as he walked home, he would do this specifically for the children to find the next day!!



Nice story indeed Shiesh. Were you an early bird then? :hihi:

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Ive still got a couple of sixpences and some silver 3d bits as well. I've sent at least 3 to Japan for various brides to wear in their shoes when they marry a Brit.:hihi:..including my son:roll:

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Nice story indeed Shiesh. Were you an early bird then? :hihi:


I would have been if I'd known what he was doing every evening!! :hihi:




My Dad didn't tell me until after the old guy died and I was all grown up!!



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My other arf and everyone around the same age as us are trying to send me nuts. They laughed when I asked the question.


"Ya nutter, was never such thing. 2 1/2p coin? Ya mad"


I remember it back in the 70s and have read 1 post on this forum where it mentions it so I know it existed.


Anyone else?


Would be good to see a pic if anyone could direct me to one.


Here's a pic of the old tanner:







Scroll up to see older versions.

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The tanner was a very popular coin. It was small and light, and would buy you an ice cream or a bar of chocolate. In the 1960s there were more sixpences in circulation than any other coin except the penny. The sixpence was so popular that after the last ones were minted (they were dated 1967) there was a "save our sixpence" press campaign, with people sticking SOS stickers on their cars, but it was to no avail as 2½p was an odd value for a coin. But there may have been a "stay of execution" - according to this website the tanner was due to disappear 18 months after decimalisation, but was allowed to remain in circulation until 1980: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20010215/ai_n14371469 I would be surprised if this were true, but I'm sure we were spending tanners into the mid-1970s.

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The tanner was a very popular coin. It was small and light, and would buy you an ice cream or a bar of chocolate. In the 1960s there were more sixpences in circulation than any other coin except the penny. The sixpence was so popular that after the last ones were minted (they were dated 1967) there was a "save our sixpence" press campaign, with people sticking SOS stickers on their cars, but it was to no avail as 2½p was an odd value for a coin. But there may have been a "stay of execution" - according to this website the tanner was due to disappear 18 months after decimalisation, but was allowed to remain in circulation until 1980: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20010215/ai_n14371469 I would be surprised if this were true, but I'm sure we were spending tanners into the mid-1970s.


Way back when, when I was a lass, I used to take a tanner a week to school for my milk and biscuits! One of those dinky 1/3 pint bottles of milk and those massive shortbread chocolate-coated Dundee biscuits. mmmm

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