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Anyone Remember the old 2 1/2p Piece?


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Ive still got a couple of sixpences and some silver 3d bits as well. I've sent at least 3 to Japan for various brides to wear in their shoes when they marry a Brit.:hihi:..including my son:roll:


yes me to ,still got a few old coins left pre 40s both type 3 bit tanners ,bobs &2 bob ,i made a silver chain with 20-30 silver 3d bits for my wife but she gave it to my sister,nice thought but Hmmm

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Way back when, when I was a lass, I used to take a tanner a week to school for my milk and biscuits! One of those dinky 1/3 pint bottles of milk and those massive shortbread chocolate-coated Dundee biscuits. mmmm

Surely school milk was free prior to decimalisation. Were you spending the whole tanner on biscuits?

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Surely school milk was free prior to decimalisation. Were you spending the whole tanner on biscuits?


I'm talking 1972/3, I can't remember exactly the year Maggie Thatcher, the milk-snatcher stole the milk from schoolchildren, but I'd take a tanner a week (IIRC) to school, and that covered the cost of the snack of the milk and the biscuit.


PS just googled it, and it was apparently 1971 that the viscious old (*insert anglo-saxon phrase of choice here*) stole the milk from the mouths of the kiddies.

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Anyone know what year they went out of circulation?


I'd guess about '75


Was amazed no-one of my age (39) remembered them.


I think they ceased to be legal tender (or demonetised!) in 1980. I was born in 1974 and don't remember them being in circulation.


I miss having the old shillings and florins in my pockets before the changed the sizes of the 5p and 10p. I once had one from the 20s or 30s when I was a kid and that blew my mind!!

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are sixpences worth anything nowadays as i have an old john player special tin full of them, there must be about 300


I believe some of the older ones, pre-1920 or 1926 ?, have quite a high silver content and may be worth something for the metal. As coins unless they're in fine or better condition probably not worth much at all....try checking EBay.

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I remember getting a sixpence in my xmas pudding when I was at school and what about the tradition of the bride having one in her shoe.




"Most people know the famous Victorian dressing rhyme, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" but many do not know about the last line "And a silver sixpence in her shoe". We at The Silver Sixpence Company are dedicated to making this part of the wedding tradition into something really special and to give the bride a truly unique gift that she can remember her special day by.


Given that the last sixpence was minted in 1967 and the last 100% silver sixpence was minted in 1921, it is unlikely that any of today's brides have ever seen a sixpence and have no idea about the rich history that it has. The first sixpence was minted in 1551, so we have over 450 years worth of history to choose from. It is my job to find the perfect sixpence for your perfect day. There are a number of ways I can find a sixpence special for you, either a name or a date or event. If we don't have one in stock, I'll find the one you want."

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"Most people know the famous Victorian dressing rhyme, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" but many do not know about the last line "And a silver sixpence in her shoe". We at The Silver Sixpence Company are dedicated to making this part of the wedding tradition into something really special and to give the bride a truly unique gift that she can remember her special day by.



Like I said in post 13, I gave one to my Japanese daughter in law when she married my son, and have sent a couple more on when he has had friends marry out there too......so I have done a little bit keeping the tradition going.

I have a 1959 one and a 1964 left now, oh... and I have a watch with a 1949 sixpence as its dial.

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