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Shiregreen school aka bracken hill school


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Does anyone one have any historical information about this school. It is/was on bracken road. I went past the other day and noticed that they had knocked the old place down and built a new shiny building that will probably last 2 minutes.


Relatives of mine went to this school back in the 70s and I followed in the 80's as is typical with old school buildings the ghost stories were rife and plenty of dares to go up into the attic room to see if you could see the "green lady" (why all schools have a green/gray/white lady is a mystery)


Im curious about a couple of things, firstly when was the old building built? Ive heard rumours that it was used as a TB hospital but i have found no evidence of that (many hours today on google searching) I cant really find anything about it. Its almost as if the place didnt exist and it was a pretty prominent building on the estate so you would think id find something.


Im also curious about the land at the back, behind it was a huge field (now with a nursing home and a dentist built at the bottom of it on shiregreen lane. but just off that is a patch of wasteland that we as kids used to call "The Quarry" Whats the deal with this patch of land? I remember as a kid walking across it to go to school and it had strange coloured spillages on it. Also used to be able to catch frogs an collect frogspawn there.


If anyone can shed any light just to kill my own curiosity id be muchly apreciative ^^



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Sorry can't tell you anything about the building but I worked there during the 90's and found loads of old photos in the attic rooms in the lower school. I wished I had taken them now and could have passed them on to someone with an interest. I didn't know the building was gone, I hope someone rescued them :(

Never saw any ghosts btw.



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Does anyone one have any historical information about this school. It is/was on bracken road. I went past the other day and noticed that they had knocked the old place down and built a new shiny building that will probably last 2 minutes.


Relatives of mine went to this school back in the 70s and I followed in the 80's as is typical with old school buildings the ghost stories were rife and plenty of dares to go up into the attic room to see if you could see the "green lady" (why all schools have a green/gray/white lady is a mystery)


Im curious about a couple of things, firstly when was the old building built? Ive heard rumours that it was used as a TB hospital but i have found no evidence of that (many hours today on google searching) I cant really find anything about it. Its almost as if the place didnt exist and it was a pretty prominent building on the estate so you would think id find something.


Im also curious about the land at the back, behind it was a huge field (now with a nursing home and a dentist built at the bottom of it on shiregreen lane. but just off that is a patch of wasteland that we as kids used to call "The Quarry" Whats the deal with this patch of land? I remember as a kid walking across it to go to school and it had strange coloured spillages on it. Also used to be able to catch frogs an collect frogspawn there.


If anyone can shed any light just to kill my own curiosity id be muchly apreciative ^^




i left shool in 1944 i remember in the hall there used to be a bust of nurse cavel i believe she was a nurse there in the first world war so it must have been some sort of hospital

i hope that helps you

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Does anyone one have any historical information about this school. It is/was on bracken road. I went past the other day and noticed that they had knocked the old place down and built a new shiny building that will probably last 2 minutes.


Relatives of mine went to this school back in the 70s and I followed in the 80's as is typical with old school buildings the ghost stories were rife and plenty of dares to go up into the attic room to see if you could see the "green lady" (why all schools have a green/gray/white lady is a mystery)


Im curious about a couple of things, firstly when was the old building built? Ive heard rumours that it was used as a TB hospital but i have found no evidence of that (many hours today on google searching) I cant really find anything about it. Its almost as if the place didnt exist and it was a pretty prominent building on the estate so you would think id find something.


Im also curious about the land at the back, behind it was a huge field (now with a nursing home and a dentist built at the bottom of it on shiregreen lane. but just off that is a patch of wasteland that we as kids used to call "The Quarry" Whats the deal with this patch of land? I remember as a kid walking across it to go to school and it had strange coloured spillages on it. Also used to be able to catch frogs an collect frogspawn there.


If anyone can shed any light just to kill my own curiosity id be muchly apreciative ^^



all i can say about the land at the back of the old school it was a quarry for the sheffield brick company there was no field there till they filled in the quarryi hope trhet helps


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  • 1 month later...

I went to Shiregreen nursery, infants, junior and senior but then went on to Hinde House after 2 years at seniors as it closed down. As I remember the senior school had the play ground and a slope went down to what was like a yellow field covered in a clay type surface and was called the enclosure. It had a high netting fence round like a tennis court. Beyond that was the quarry and to one side was a brick yard. I remember sitting in class and watching 2 men stand on top of the chimney about 100ft up and knocking the bricks off the top with a sledge hammer to demolish it.

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As a little lad in the 1940's when I lived in Shiregreen Lane I used to sit on the edge of the quarry and look down at the men working below digging out the clay..There was a small railway system with a little steam engine that pulled a load of tubs on wheels similar to the ones they used to have in the coal mines...I remember the Police being involved at one time..when theives broke into a dynamite store on the site and stole a load of explosives...I also remember a huge steam shovel bellowing out lots of smoke I can still smell the burning coal and oil.. JCB's had not been invented then...Some of the older Lads from the Flower Estate used to go down into the quarry in the summer evenings after the workmen had gone home and strip off to the buff and skinny dip in the murky waters.

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I went past the school the other day & now it's called hinde house infants & juniors,i myself went to the then "Shiregreen school" from 77/81 & my first classroom was down a slope where there was some old cabins & sandwiched in between those cabins & the main building was Concord school.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i went to shiregreen nursery, then first and middle school. i can remember being made to eat dinners in nursery by a mrs lee and after having to go to sleep on little beds, if you were tired or not. first school there was a mrs barlow as the head teacher and mrs furniss was my teacher, she took the whole class to her house on oaks fold lane at the other side of concord park. In the play ground there was a shelter when it was raining we all used to get under it. In the middle school i can remember mr priest, who only ever seemed to wear one suit and the same pair of boots the whole time i was there. Also all the classes having to go to the rooms under the middle school for the nit nurse,


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